10 gross mistakes when choosing a headpiece that every time performed each


Hats and caps appeared about 15 thousand years ago. This is how the rock paints of these hats date. Today, at least one hat is in the wardrobe for everyone. But it is not always easy to pick it up. But, knowing simple patterns, we can easily hide visual shortcomings and add the form of charm.

Adme.ru compiled a full-fledged instruction how to choose a headdress in accordance with the oval of the face to look even more beautiful.

A circle

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The main feature of round persons is approximately the same height and width and low forehead. Their owners are recommended to select hats, which will make the face visually elongated, and the forehead is open. This will help the caps with a vertical print - the face will look already. Also work the bulk hats of Bini or with Pompon. You can wear berets, the main thing is not to put them on the forehead. Otherwise, you can "steal" valuable centimeters. From too tight hats, it is better to refuse: they will make the face less and more.

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If you prefer the caps, choose models with clear lines and angles. His Homburg or Fedor, resembling a male headdress, somewhat will slightly reduce the rounded lines of the face. On the same principle, a cap or a cap with a visor works. Also suitable hats with wide tullee and fields, such as a slouch. To achieve maximum effect, wear it asymmetrically. But the pills hats, Panama, hats with narrow clams types are better not to wear - they emphasize the rounded faces.


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It is believed that women with oval faces pick up the headdress is easiest. Indeed, the upper and lower parts of the face are approximately the same in width, which allows you to wear a lot of styles. Speeciously emphasize the face of the Berets (as in the photo with Jiji Hadid), Türbans, Hats-Ushanki. Moreover, the "ears" is not necessarily removed backwards. You can even cover the forehead slightly, it does not break the proportion. High caps or dads will look worse. They will make the face even more elongated: for example, Rihanna in the photo above extended the face.

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© Riccardo Giordano / Fotosic / Sipa / East News, © Jonas Gustavsson / Sipa USA / East News

As for the hats, the ladies with an oval face are suitable for models with wide fields and a low-tulley (for example, canoes). Not trouble, if they will be slightly shown on the forehead. Cowboy hats and gaucho hats emphasize the face form due to low tool and noticeable fields. High hats or bulk decor will make the face too long, so it is better to leave them on the shelf. The same effect will not be modeled narrow fields.


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A characteristic feature of rectangular faces - elongated lines and massive chin. To adjust them, pick a headdress that will expand the cheekbones and root the face. Neat bini will come to the rescue. Like an oval face, the rectangular will go hats-Ushanki. That's just "ears" should be removed back or upstream depending on the model. A large bits and chapter on the cap will be complimentary. Very bulk hats and models, opening forehead, will serve a bear service.

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© GVK / Bauergriffin.com / East News, © Laurentvu / Sipa / East News

When choosing a hat, it is worth paying special attention to the height of the Tulley. If it is too high, it will add the face of extra centimeters. Therefore, prefer lower options. Wide fields are perfect - the line of cheese will not be so narrow. Neat caps are also a good choice. Asymmetric styles will be shown well. Cloch hat expands at the bottom, therefore also balances proportions. From strict geometric shapes it is better to refuse - they will make the face more angular.


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"Problem" square facial zones are sharp features and symmetries. Consequently, the headdress is important to select so that he smoothes the line and pulled out the face form. Therefore, the volume should come to the top. Will look at the caps, put on the top, opening the forehead. Cap-stocking visually extends the face, and Bini will make the lines softer. Many models are suitable for a square face. An exception is perhaps low-sitting caps, in particular fur dads.

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© PacificcoStnews / East News, © Joe Sutter / PacificcoStnews / Bwp Media / East News

As for the hats, the Fedor model will suit squares, especially if the fields are bent asymmetrically. Massive caps will also be to the face, the main thing is that they do not cover most of the forehead and have soft, not too angry lines. Otherwise, the headdress will allocate natural corners.


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© Snorlax / Mega / East News, © LFI / Photoshot / Reporter / East News

Triangles are distinguished by a wide forehead and a narrow pointed chin, the lower part is already than the top. Sometimes they allocate the shape of the "Heart" face, but the only difference from the "triangle" is a line of hair growth line. In both cases, the headdress is designed to narrow the forehead, highlight the cheekbones and smooth the chin line. With this task will cope with tight mating caps. It is important that they are not too voluminous, the disproportion will be created otherwise. If the Ushanka is "ears" better not to fasten, but leave free. Also suitable asymmetrically attached berets. Worse, the caps of a major mate will look or excessively tights - in both cases they will create a volume in the top of the head.

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Fans of hats will suit flat caps that will not add volume. Baseball caps and hats with narrow fields also adjust the shape. Widewater hats are contraindicated, because they will make the upper part of the face even larger. The hat on the hat is better to avoid for the same reason - it attracts attention to wide forehead.

What is your favorite headdress? Maybe some interesting story is connected with him?

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