How to behave with pathological liars?

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How to behave with pathological liars? Photo: Depositphotos.

Pathological liars are the real "masters of their case", the virtuosos of reincarnation, so it is not so easy to recognize their falsehood, especially with a superficial acquaintance. The article will help to deal with the psychological type of such people more thoroughly.

The main causes of lies:

  1. The fear of punishment (and the pathological liars always have something to be afraid, because their life is a series of adventures!). They lie in court, in the police, random witnesses of their non-resident actions. And often it helps to "get out dry out of the water." People of this type always act under the influence of internal motivation, not external factors.
  2. Revenge (the way to get rid of the enemy, saying it): a slander often sounds from their mouth very believable.
  3. Benefit (economic and social). Your interests for them are above all.
  4. The feeling of personal superiority through the creation of a false image (remember what images created for myself and Kisos Vorobyaninov Ostap Bender).
  5. Saving secrets. The disclosure of the mystery threatens the punishment, public contempt, "face loss".
  6. A lie "for the benefit" - the interlocutor is not ready to take the truth, meet her "face to face." But pathological liars do not do from mercy, but for the possibility of further use of this person for their own purposes.
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Pathological liars will never blush and do not feel awkward photos: Depositphotos

Pathological liars first may seem interesting, smart, mining, charming. Their true person opens only with time, and then personal communication becomes stretched.

Pathological liars always:

  • lie with a specific purpose, and not "for the sake of art", cunning and pragmatic;
  • Film fiction stories that can endure new details without end, if they noticed that the listener "peaked";
  • often they themselves believe everything that has come (unconsciously accept said for the desired, almost performed);
  • They are angry and scandals when they are suspected of deception;
  • Never blush and do not feel awkward.

Such behavior of a person is due to a variety of genetic and environmental factors, but this set for each is unique.

Among the most common reasons:

  1. Demonstrative or narcissistic personality disorder.
  2. Epileptic changes in character.
  3. Alcoholic and drug addiction.
  4. The consequences of the cranial injury at the young age.
  5. Education in the family, where a lie is considered an ordinary form of self-defense.
  6. Low self-esteem, but there is a hypercompension.
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Photo: Depositphotos.

If you suspect that you are regularly lying, please note:

1. Liaz stories are completely incredible. Someone who does not have a separate apartment and working by a loader in a warehouse tells how Gwyneth Paltrow has happened, and she failed to refuse ... Or consisted of assistants from the State Duma deputy, and then suddenly "distributed all the well-paid poor" ...

2. There is a desire to attract attention. The interlocutor climbs out of the skin, trying to prove his own uniqueness.

3. Instead of recognizing his oversight or honestly, they got into rework, such people carry nonsense, just to look "heroes of the day."

4. Depicts the victim. To enlist the sympathy and support of others, it complains about imaginary misfortunes. Terrible diseases, the death of loved ones, catastrophes in which he allegedly suffered, "but escaped."

5. The last word should be behind it. Argued with a pathological liar - I don't care what to beat your head about the wall. It will give the most ridiculous arguments until you get bored. But always comes out of the discussion the winner.

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Licher's stories are absolutely incredible Photo: Depositphotos

6. He knows how to flip over his head. If the liar understands that "close to failure," immediately gives the reverse and changes the meaning of the said. Catch it "for the language" is useless: he immediately will declare that you were not sent out or did not understand.

7. His life is messy and full of tragedies. He twists, as can, trying to seem honest, but over time, the ranks of gullible listeners are thinned. And no one else wants to lean.

Output one - stop communicating and cross out the pathological liar from your life. He will not become different.

Today we are sailing to the ocean of lies, in which the islands of the truth are miraculously preserved, which are saving for us. Do not multiply a lie, Seit grain truth, carry the light of good and humans. Let it be your privilege - tell the truth.

Author - Oksana Arkadyevna Filatova

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