Surprisingly similar to fern Peristic Asparagus: Full description, photo and care at home

Surprisingly similar to fern Peristic Asparagus: Full description, photo and care at home 18331_1

The openwork grain of asparagus peristry is able to decorate not only any floral composition, but also revive the interior of an apartment or a country house.

Observing simple rules, even a novice flower plant can grow this spectacular plant at home, without applying special efforts.

Botanical description

Asparagus Cherish (A. Plumosus) is known as Asparagus Schetnikovid (Asparagus Setaceus), as well as a bride, cobweb, chill. Sometimes it is called indoor fan. However, the plant relating to the family of asparagus (sparky) plant, in its structure, closer to Lilyna and numerous representatives of the family of Fernic, have nothing to do.

Condely asparagus - long-term semi-stabilizer evergreen liana with a very specific structure:

  • Stem is thin, naked, flexible, up to 1.5 m long;
  • In the young plant, the stem is a reprehensive, in an adult - the curly, caressing;
  • The underdeveloped leaves are modified into brown-made triangular flakes adjacent to the stalk;
  • In the sinuses of leaf-scapes, there are numerous, highly branching shilovoid, reduced, flattened shoots (quartods) participating instead of leaves in the process of photosynthesis;
  • Small, gentle restodi (diameter about 0.5 cm, length 0.5-1.5 cm) are collected 3-12 pieces into fluffy light green beams, giving up similarity with a lace little Christmas tree;
  • Part of the shoots are oriented horizontally and resemble openwork fern leaves;
  • Horizontal, powerful rhizome consists of several bully tubers and numerous thin roots.
Reference! Adepts Fen-Shuya are confident that Asparagus neutralizes negative energy, heals depression, creates a positive atmosphere in the room. Another plant is able to moisturize and clean the air, to level the effect of heavy metals.


We are sent to your attention a photo of the species of Pillsus.

History of origin

The first indulgent type of asparagus is considered asparagus pharmacy, better known as asparagus. Ancient Romans cultivated him as an agricultural culture. But only at the end of the XIX-beginning of the twentieth century. Some species of African, American, Mediterranean asparagus began to use for landscaping gardens, and then on their basis brought room grades.

Difference from other species

The Motherland of Asparagus Perisoy - Southern Europe. In regions with a soft, wet, warm climate, it is grown in the open ground as an evergreen decorative plant. In the context of Russia, the asparagus is bristy-shaped cultivated only as a potted room plant.

Attention! The shoots of the shoots of this species are not suitable.

From decorative species, on a par with a peristry asparagus, cultivated:

  • Asparagus Shprenger (Asparagus Ethiopian) is an amp of a grassy view with fragrant small flowers, arcoid thin shoots, needle leaves up to 3 cm long;
  • Medane-shaped - tall plant, valued by florists for the ability to save freshness for a long time after cutting;
  • Cystic - with long (up to 2 m) shoots and beautiful bright pink flowers collected in the brush;
  • Sick-shaped - a large variety of asparagus lian, with prickly long (up to 4 m) and thick stem, characterized by large heartded quarters;
  • The finest is a variety similar to Asparagus peristically, but with more rare and thin quarters;
  • Asparagus Meyer is a shrub plant with tightly arranged needle "branches" and powered by the reprehensive shoots reaching 50-60 cm long.

Blooming and fruiting

Even with good care, AsParagus Setatseus blooms only for 5-10 years of life.

The bell tallers-stars in the plant are correct, small, greenish-white, single or collected 2-4 pieces. The flower has 6 stamens, a triangular barrier pestle, a short column, a three-point stitch.

To get seeds, peristically, asparagus will have to be polled artificially. Fruits are blue-black rounded berries with 1-3 seeds inside. Seeds with dense, thick gray-black sheath.

Important! Asparagus berries poisonous! They contain toxic organic compounds - saponins that cause irritation of mucous membranes.

How much is an adult plant and seeds?

The cost of adult peristened asparagus in specialized stores varies depending on the manufacturer, the size and age of the plant.

The flower 20 cm high costs from 150 to 690 rubles, a height of 30 cm - 1000-1700 rubles, and 40 cm high - 2500-2800 rubles.

Much cheaper to grow indoor asparagus from seeds. Packing with 3 seeds is in specialized stores and on the Internet from 25 to 90 rubles, but in this case the results will have to wait for quite a long time.

Planting indoor flower

Asparagus peristically one of the most unassuming species of room asparagus. It is quite easy to grow seeds. First prepare the soil. Suitable:
  • Ready easy universal soil for household plants based on humus, special soil for ferns;
  • A mixture of equal parts of sheet and turf, peat, river sand, into which you can add urban (compost).

The soil should be a weakness (pH - 6.0-6.8), have good aerobic properties.

The soil is disinfecting the shed boiling water, a weak solution of mangalls, steaming or fluid.

When landing adhere to step-by-step instructions:

  1. The optimal dates of planting asparagus - the end of January-March, although the timing can be shifted until June-July.
  2. Before planting seeds, they are calibrated, soaked in warm water for the 2nd day.
  3. Immediately before planting, the seeds are immersed for 15 minutes in the light pink solution of manganese.
  4. Seeds are laid on the moistened soil, the ground is slightly pressed and rushed (0.5 cm) or coarse sand (1 cm). Spray from the pulverizer with warm water.
  5. Capacity with seedlings are covered with a light-tight film (glass, underfloor material), ensuring ventilation.
  6. When dried up the upper layer of the soil, it is neatly sprayed with warm outstanding water.
  7. Before the appearance of sediments in the room, the temperature is maintained + 20-25 ºC.
  8. Shoots appear in 3-6 weeks. Upon reaching a height of 7-10 cm, they are pricken in separate glasses with a diameter of 8-15 cm.
  9. Saplings periodically turn themselves so that they do not stretch towards the light.
  10. After 3-4 months after sowing, the shoots are transplanted into constant dishes.
  11. For young plants, you need a small pot in a diameter of 10-12 cm. At the bottom, the drainage layer is might.
Reference! At the seeds of asparagus dense shell. Caution punctures with a disinfect needle, you can speed up their germination.

If you want to preserve the vertical location of the shoots, then, as they grow, they substitute special supports. However, most often the plant is grown in suspended vases, cass, baskets as an ampel plant.

Plant care at home

Care for a peristry asparagus is simple to comply with the conditions of detention and regularly carry out simple procedures.


During the growing season (spring-summer), the temperature is most favorable + 20-25 ºC. If the weather allows, the plant can be taken out on the open veranda.

In winter, the temperature is lowered to + 12-16 ºC. If this is not done, stems and shoots will begin to take off, yellowing, the plant will lose decorativeness. In winter, Asparagus is susceptible to drafts and sharp temperature differences.


Flower prefers well-lit space lit by scattered light. The most comfortable place next to the west oriented, East, North window. The plating on the south side is definitely shared.

Dark time, asparagus peristically, calmly transfers without additional shocking.

Watering and humidity

During the period of active growth, regular watering is needed at least 3 times a week. Water flower of indentioned water temperature. Water stagnation in the soil is not allowed, after 20-30 minutes after the procedure, water is drained from the pallet.

From November to March, the frequency of irrigation is reduced, but do not allow the death of the earth coma. In February-March, with the beginning of the rustling of new shoots, gradually return to the summer irrigation regime.

The flower does not like excessively dry air, regular spraying has a beneficial spraying, warm shower. Do not put a plant near with heating devices.

Attention! You can simplify care, putting a plane with water next to the asparagus or installing a pot into the pallet with wet sphagnum, sand, small pebbles. Podkord

The feeding is required during the actual growth period (1 time in 2 weeks). In the autumn-winter period, AsParagus fertilize 1 time per month.

For feeding use:

  • Organic additives (clients of dung fat, citrus or banana skins, nettle, tea);
  • Complex mineral fertilizers for indoor flowers (agricults, Kemira, Ferctik Suite, Effectton, radioFarm);
  • Growth stimulants (bud).

A good result gives alternation of organic and mineral feeding.


When trimming, it should be borne in mind that the development of asparagus is quite specific and divided into several stages:

  1. Germination.
  2. Formation of the root system and stem without the formation of new organs (leaves, prettle).
  3. The development of all parts of the plant.

Pruning will bring the result only at the third stage of development. With insufficiently developed roots, shoots that did not have time to enter into a full phase of growth, trimming leads to a slowdown in development and even the death of the plant.

Cropped only denied, long, dried up the stems of adult asparagouss or shoots damaged by diseases and pests. Too different shoots are cut off in the spring during a transplant, and the ill immediately.


The transplant is the necessary procedure for the centenary asparagus. Young, low plants transplanted annually in March-April.

When buying an adult plant, it is certainly transplanted, turning the earthen kom to a new pot with a good soil.

In the future, the transplant is made 1-2 times in 3 years, when the root system will fully fill the pot.

For a successful transplant:

  1. A drainage and prepared soil are falling asleep into the suitable pot;
  2. The flower is neatly removed from the old capacitance, shakes the ground with the roots and cut them a little;
  3. The plant is placed in a new place, orienting roots vertically;
  4. The earth falls asleep on top, filling all empties, but not to the very edge (the subsequent development of the roots will raise the soil);
  5. The plant is moderately watered;
  6. After a week, the first organic or complex mineral feeding is made.

Plant can be multiplied not only by seeds. The most productive division of the bush during transplantation:

  1. From the plant extracted from the land shakes the earth;
  2. Crop the dried roots, shoots;
  3. separated the rhizome into several parts, treated with growth stimulants (radio amphibes, epin);
  4. Fragments are planting into individual pots, the soil moisturizes and for 3-4 weeks the seedlings are placed in a dark, cool place with a temperature of no more than + 15 ºC.

A more complex way - shilling:

  1. In adult plants, healthy, green stems are cut at least 15 cm long;
  2. cuttings root in water or soil;
  3. After the appearance of the roots, the "water" seedlings are planting into the soil;
  4. Cover to create a greenhouse effect;
  5. Greenhouse is ventilated daily;
  6. Watering a plant when dried up the top layer of soil.

The cuttings are suitable for a long time. The root system begins to develop only after 1-1.5 months.

Pests and diseases

Asparagus is peristically resistant to many diseases, but quite suffers from Tsley, shields, triples, a web tick, Chervests. At first signs:

  1. Remove the affected parts of the plant;
  2. Wash flower under the warm shower.

With minor lesions, a plant is treated with folk remedies, for example, garlic influence (insist in the course of 3-5 watered garlic cloves in 1 liter of water). The procedure is carried out 2-3 times after a day.

If the defeat is strong, insecticides are used (phytodeterm, agroventine, green soap).

Important! It must be remembered that the asparagus is peristically tolerated by chemicals and it takes a long time for recovery.

Through poorly processed soil or when there is a paramiagus next to ill plants, asparagus may become infected:

  • gray rot (for treatment reduce the humidity of the air and process the plant with a solution of burgundy fluid or copper chlorine);
  • Root rot (plant destroy).

Bad plant type - result of improper care. Wadding the stems, yellowing and focusing of foliage arises for several reasons:

  • Too high ambient temperature;
  • dry air;
  • excess watering;
  • Finding under the straight rays of the Sun;
  • Lack of light.

In this case, the temperature, humidity, lighting, watering, feeding is optimized.

Rail asparagus in his own house is set to everyone. Of particular effort is not required, but all year round it will delight the owners a lush openwork greens and clean the air.

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