"Is it possible to pregnant coffee?": Answers to the most popular questions about pregnancy.


You can firmly feel, because the child grows in you!

Despite the fact that there are many books and useful materials on pregnancy, it still remains mysterious and incomprehensible to the process. What of what is happening with the female organism during this period is normal, and what should alert? And with what are certain restrictions, which are imposed on pregnant women?

The author of the portal Buzzfeed Mike Spore studied the most frequent requests in Google, associated with pregnancy, and asked them a practitioner of an obstetric-gynecologist and a specialist in the field of reproductive endocrinology and infertility Ban Kashani. She gave capacious and short answers to the most common questions about pregnancy, and we transferred them for you (spoiler: hormones are to blame). That's what happened.

Is it possible to drink a pregnant woman to drink coffee?

During pregnancy, you can use coffee or caffeine in moderate quantities. It is recommended to use no more than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day as part of all drinks: coffee, tea and lemonade. But I am a bit more conservative, and I would say that you can use no more than one cup per day. Everyone who drinks more than this dose increases the risk of miscarriage.

Why does meteorism arise during pregnancy?

During pregnancy in the body of a woman, the amount of progesterone increases, which slows down the digestion process, as a result of which gases can often be formed. The uterus is also constantly growing and displaces the digestive organs from their familiar places. This can also lead to a change in digestive processes and meteorism.

Why do pregnant women want to gnaw salt cucumbers and ice?

I think that traction of pregnant women to salt cucumbers is, for the most part, the myth, but the pregnancy really leads to changes in the perception of taste, because of what a woman can start wanting a saline, sour or sweet. Therefore, some begin to be interested in cucumbers, although before that they were indifferent to them. But the fact that all pregnant women invariably want salted cucumbers is a myth.

As for ice, this is because because of the hormones, pregnant women are hotter than everyone else - especially because of progesterone. Another reason is that many pregnant women have moderate anemia - it can also force them to want ice.

If the desire is very strong, such a condition is called "Picacism" - this is when you want to eat strange products due to the fact that you have problems with blood or anemia.

Why pregnant women sick and tear?

The growing level of pregnancy hormone - HCG - makes women more sensitive and causes nausea, especially in the first trimester.

We definitely do not know why this happens, or why some women suffer from this more than others. But this is due to the hormonal background.

At the later stages of pregnancy, the pressure of the growing fetus on the internal organs increases, ... that can lead to an increase in sensitivity, nausea and even vomiting.

Why during pregnancy headache?

Changes in hormonal background during pregnancy increase the tendency of some women to the headaches. Other women who suffered from head pains to pregnancy, often noted that during pregnancy their pain, on the contrary, pass - too because of hormones.

Another reason for headaches may be associated with dehydration, because pregnant women need more liquid. So if you are not drinking enough, you can also get a head.

Why during pregnancy I constantly feel so tired?

The child is growing inside and this is how you guess, sucks the power of you so that the child can grow, so that the constant feeling of fatigue is normal. Plus, the progesterone can make you feel more tired.

Later, when the fruit becomes quite large, many women begin to feel uncomfortable and do not fall out, so in the afternoon you can feel more tired than usual. This is completely normal.

Is it possible to run and swim during pregnancy?

There is nothing wrong with playing sports during pregnancy, if you do the same thing you did before it. If you used to run half a kilometer a day, you can continue to do the same when you get pregnant.

However, it is not necessary to suddenly make a decision during pregnancy traveled from zero to the marathon. Adhere to the same level of activity as before pregnancy.

Swimming is perfect, the main thing is not to be in the pool or bath, the temperature of the water in which is higher than the temperature of your body - during pregnancy it is not recommended to do so.

Why during pregnancy my discharge became yellow?

During pregnancy, vaginal discharges may change - this is due to the change in hormonal background, which lead to an increase in the amount of secretions and mucus. It is absolutely normal, but if you noticed other changes - for example, an unpleasant smell, burning or itching is better to consult a doctor.

What will happen if drinking alcohol during pregnancy?

Alcohol is considered a substance that is able to directly affect the fruit and can cause changes in the development of the brain and even anatomical changes in the body of the fetus. So when you eat alcohol, it passes through the placenta and falls directly into the child's body. You can't control it in any way, and I can't know what effect on the child will have even a small dose of alcohol.

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