Top 7 varieties of tomatoes with a long storage


    Good afternoon, my reader. Numerous factors affect the duration of storage of tomatoes. This is the use of special equipment throughout the season, and the correct harvest is collected, and the creation of suitable storage conditions. But the most important role is played by the variety of tomatoes. There are a number of varieties that are able to be stored almost the entire season.

    Top 7 varieties of tomatoes with a long storage 1832_1
    Top 7 varieties of tomatoes with a long-term storage time Maria Verbilkova

    Tomatoes. (Photo used by standard license ©

    In the medium stripes of Russia, tomatoes are grown only in greenhouses, landing in open ground is possible only in the southern regions of the country. The height reaches 1.5 m, is formed into one stem.

    The variety is distinguished by its unpretentiousness in cultivation and resistance to a number of diseases. From one shrub you can get about 3.5 kg of tomatoes.

    LateVield variety characterized by a high level of yield. In the middle strip they are grown exclusively in the greenhouses.

    Top 7 varieties of tomatoes with a long storage 1832_2
    Top 7 varieties of tomatoes with a long-term storage time Maria Verbilkova

    Tomatoes. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Shrub reaches a height of about 180 cm. The formation is performed in 1-2 stem.

    Among the advantages of the variety are:

    • unpretentious care;
    • disease resistance;
    • High yield is about 4-5 kg ​​from shrub.

    Fruits have a rounded-oval shape, red-orange color. Taste - sour-sweet.

    Ozaltyn is suitable for long-term transportation and has a long shelf life. Apply in canned and fresh form.

    The variety derived in the territory of the USSR is characterized by a high yield and refers to late. The height reaches 140 cm and is formed in 1-2 stem.

    From one shrub you can get about 6 kg of harvest. Moreover, reaching full maturity, fruits can begin to crumble.

    The fruits are flat-rounded, may have medium and large size, weight ranges from 150 to 300 g. Color - pearl-orange. For prolonged storage, the collection is performed during technical ripeness. Tomato is stored until February - March.

    Grow up to 150 cm. It is characterized by high unpretentiousness to cultivation and good yield. From one shrub, you can get 4-5 kg ​​of fruits.

    Top 7 varieties of tomatoes with a long storage 1832_3
    Top 7 varieties of tomatoes with a long-term storage time Maria Verbilkova

    Tomatoes. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Shrub reaches a height of 2 m, formed in two stems. It does not need excessive leaving and steadily to most diseases affecting tomato. From one shrub you can get about 4.5 kg of tomatoes.

    Designed for transportation for long distances. Use fresh or canned.

    Shrubs of this variety reach a height of about 2 m. Form in 1 stem.

    The variety is characterized by unpretentiousness in cultivation and highly resistant to disease. The yield is average, from one shrub you can get about 3-4 kg of tomatoes.

    Fruits rounded-oval, have small and medium sizes, weight from 60 to 130 g. Color - golden orange. For storage are collected during the period of technical maturity.

    The plant is characterized by a long shelf life - until March.

    It grows up to 130 cm, formed in 2-3 stems. It is characterized by unpretentiousness in growing and high resistance to tomato diseases. From one shrub, you can get about 7 kg of fruits.

    The fruits are flat-rounded and have medium sizes, weight varies from 100 to 160 g. Color - red. For further storage are collected during the period of technical maturation. Tomato variety is able to be stored until December, saving canceled taste.

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