Hockey players "Neman" led 2: 0 from Lokomotiv from Orsha, but lost in overtime


It becomes a handwriting "Locomotive". Create yourself problems and heroically overcome them. Way down a few washers and win in a volitional style. At least, such a victory of the Orsans is already the second in a row. What will surely instill optimism in the fans on the eve of the transitional tournament.

Hockey players

Although, the sake of justice, the erases created their problems not at all. Rather, he tried "Neman", which in general the game looked somewhat sharper and aimed at the gate. In confirmation - shots statistics. For 32 minutes, the Grodnots abandoned two washers and, in general, confidently controlled the course of the game. However, in the second half of the second period, Lokomotiv included the instinct of self-preservation.

Hockey players

At first, Savinov implemented a shootout, and in the third period he also designed a double, throwing off the game. Moreover, Gaysin in seven minutes to the end completely upset the owners and the master's audience. However, the discipline of "railroad workers". Kratakin implemented the majority and translated a meeting in overtime.

Hockey players

Where already "Lokomotiv" owned the puck and where he threw the efforts of Sharipov. On the tournament position, this result is no longer able to influence. But with the confidence of the Orstsham, he will definitely add. And the material for analytics to the coaching headquarters "Neman", writes

Neman - locomotive - 3: 4 from (1: 0, 1: 1, 1: 2, 0: 1)

1: 0 - 15:56 Kolichy (Left -sha, Dzibinski)

2: 0 - 31:26 Zykov

2: 1 - 35:32 Savinov GSB

2: 2 - 44:41 Savinov (Sharipov)

2: 3 - 52:46 Gaysin (Ovchenko)

3: 3 - 56:26 Krykin (Foods, Kolichy) GB

3: 4 - 63:15 Sharipov

Fine: 6 - 12

Throwing: 43 (19 + 17 + 6 + 1) - 29 (8 + 10 + 9 + 2)

Top players: Nasybullin - Savinov

Neman: Poles; Romanovich - Nasybullin, Coffeeplates - Zykov - Zatzainil; Palivko - Krykin, Kolichy - Dzibinski (K) - Left -sha; Wolves - Stepanov (a), A. Malyavko - Chestnuts - Buynitsky; Fursa - Apenka - Glugrees; Vorono, Malashkevich.

Lokomotiv: Merzlov; Filichkin (K) - Tarletsky, Sharipov - Melnikov - Gaynetdinov; Goroshko - Goncharov, Nychenko - Gaysin - Chernikov; Kurdyukov (a) - Barkovsky, Pruss - Andreev - Tsewigin; Gilmans, Kolyshkin (a), Savinov.

18th of Febuary. Grodno, Ice Palace. 718 viewers. Home - at 19:00.

Hockey players
Hockey players
Hockey players
Hockey players
Hockey players

Igor Zhilinsky, Lokomotiv head coach:

- We are pleased to victory over such an opponent. For the game guys, I can only say words of gratitude. Somewhere showed character, and somewhere we may be lucky. Unfortunately, today again lost another player. But the feeling that, the less, the team is played, the team is played.

In the remaining two matches, we will prepare for transitional games with Brest. Unfortunately, we do not have operational space for maneuvers with the composition, so I would like to do without injury. All guys with a victory.

- For three and a half minutes to the end, Tarletsky allows foul in the attack zone ...

- Without consequences, of course, it will not cost, but everything is mistaken, perhaps it is emotions. Once again we will reconsider the moment, and now I can not say anything yet. One thing is clear that it is impossible so rudely wrong, especially the defender, and even in the attack zone. Leave the team in the minority after from 0: 2 made 3: 2 - this is not climbing in any framework. Moreover, when we have such responsible games on our nose and when the price of an error, you know what.

- Returned to the Frame of Merzlov, can it be said that he is on the position of the first issue in the goalkeeper line?

- I would not say. We still have two games, let me play and go, and Kozlovsky, so talking about who we have the first number, I can not yet. Now a headache about a friend - we have only those whom we brought here, and minus one young who broke out today.

- Then, maybe tell about your injured, maybe someone on the way, maybe someone already riding?

"They ride on the scooter ... We expected one character, gave him more than three weeks. Dr. We failed, which in the team is now no. Incorrect diagnosis, improper treatment, and as a result we got what they got. Therefore, the only one who is on our approach is Manukyan, who played last game with an incredible injury, and in order to avoid consequences, we did not take it here.

Andrei Sidorenko, the head coach "Neman":

- Colleague with a victory. We do not have the right to play and, leading 2: 0, play the match. A rough mistake in a flat place forced to lose the thread of the game. In such matches, we, like an opponent, pursue the goal to prepare for decisive matches of the season, where the price of the error is very high.

- What can you say about missing players?

- The variferry was injured in training and is unknown when it will be. Sergey Malyavko will be already on the next game, and the cancer is also without specific time. Bozko today replaced Stepanov, just rotation.

- Poles today was at the gate, and, if we consider that he had recently played a very successful for Farm, comment on the decision to entrust him today's match?

- We are preparing for responsible matches now and want to play all goalkeepers to play. We plan that Gorodetsky is about to come out.

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