Spring road! List of Spring Affairs for Children and Parents


Hang a birdhouse

Very soon, the birds will begin to blame the nests and lay eggs. You can make a cozy house for them, and then observe how they will prevent, listen to the twitter of hatched chicks and accompany them in the first flight.

Birdhouse can be made independently or buy already ready. The main thing is to comply with all the rules.

  • Inside the nest should be rough. You can even specifically scratch the front wall under the flying hole. According to it, the chicks will be chosen from the birdhouse. If the wall is smooth, they are not for what will clink and they will not be able to get out of the house.
  • No need to equip no nests, bedding and other things inside the nest. The birds will do everything themselves - as it is convenient.
  • Bunches should be placed at a height of about 3 m from the ground. Better, if it is not hanging out on the sun, but in the shade of a tree. But there should be no branches before the inlet opening. Birds will not settle in such a birdhouse from fear that the cat will get along the branches.
Rudy and Peter Skitterians / Pixabay
Rudy and Peter Skitterians / Pixabay Explore the depth of puddle

Snow melts, flow streams ... The road turns into a relay with obstacles. Instead of trying to bypass the puddles, offer a child to go straight along it. We assure it will be happy! Of course, it is previously necessary to fit in waterproof armor. Fortunately, now a huge selection of high-quality clothing and shoes, which no puddles are scared.

Holeysocksart / Pixabay.
HoleysockSart / Pixabay Watching birds and study them

Birds are returned from warm countries. You can arrange a peaceful hunt with a child with a child - try to find in parks, forests and on the streets as many different types of birds.

In order not to just watch, but to find out about the birds something interesting, download yourself special applications. For example, Song Sleuth, Chirpomatic, Bird Song ID. They will help to recognize birds trill, and also tell me the name of the birds, where they dwell that they eat and much more.

And for observations you can buy binoculars!

Nightowl / Pixabay.
Nightowl / Pixabay Remove Sledge and Skates and get bicycles and rollers

It is time to change the crawling on the wheels and with the breeze to ride the tracks freed from snow. Just do not forget about protection! The child must be in the helmet, special gloves and protective equipment on the knees and elbows!

Candid_Shots / Pixabay.
Candid_Shots / Pixabay Blind Snowman from the Last Snow

We say goodbye to winter and tell her "Thank you" for everything good that she brought us. Symbol of farewell can be a snowman from snow residues. You can build it right in front of the house and observe how it will gradually melt. So the child will clearly see that winter leaves.

Temo Berishvili / Pexels
Temo Berishvili / Pexels View Spring Cartoons

Here is a small list:

  • "Romashkovo train"
  • "Amazing Barrel"
  • "Spring Melodies"
  • "Spring in mumi-share"
  • "Spring Fairy Tale"
  • "Spring cleaning"
  • "How we did spring"
Find the First Spring Flowers

At the outflowing glades, bright and-stepmother's colleagues come out from under the ground. It is always tremendous happiness - see them next to still lying snow. Then it becomes clear: spring finally coming!

Image Press ? and ⭐ from Pixabay

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