Why SARS-COV-2 provokes so many autoimmune reactions?

Why SARS-COV-2 provokes so many autoimmune reactions? 18296_1

Do not understand the wrong, redirect the immune response to the gap of your own tissues on ribbons are capable of many viruses, especially respiratory, is just the fact that multiplying into some fabric, they destroy the cells, forcing their contents to pour out.

Normal cellular proteins begin to be recognized in the context of damaged tissue, and antibodies begin to be produced on them. The result of such a process, in adults most often is Hashimoto's disease, and in children - diabetes type I.

But here Coronavirus distinguished himself. It turned out that his own proteins, including spike, much more similar to human proteins than many other animals (though with the mouse, similarity was also considerable). In coronavirus proteins there are a lot of six, seven and eighth peptides identical to human.

According to itself, this is not scary, but the avalanche of viral proteins produced during infection causes the production of antibodies, which are formed quite by chance, on a variety of parts offered by the immune system of irritants-antigens. No, no, and it will fall into the area that coincides with a piece of cell protein. And then it all depends on the specific HLA-antigens and whether this clone has eliminated during the evolution of a particular Timus (I understand that there is a long explanation, but who did not stroll the embryology and immunology - they already understood everything).

There are many people, there are many viruses in them, the HLA options are also a lot - an autoimmune response is formed on the principle of "for whom God will send." Such a mixture of probability theory with elementary guessing while no modeling is not painted. Women gets more, as they have an autoimmune response expressed more than in men.

I understand that questions here are more than answers, and the main one - what about vaccines? After all, there is also an autoimmuno-active S-protein.

I will answer:

  • 1) Polyvirusa (and exactly so much from the virus and is the notorious spike protein) is still better than a whole virus. Exactly twice!
  • 2) When expressing the vaccine protein, it "chinno" enters the surface of the cell or in the blood is solid properly rolled carbon black, and many harmful epitopes are hidden from it inside and not falling on the immune system to the teeth.

But with the mass production of the virion, with a natural infection, a mass of "unfinished" genomic and "short-term" protein options is obtained, and here the immune system is already responsible for "cut out the shoulder", and even in the context of systemic inflammation.

On this occasion, we wrote articles and great George Charchovyov, and Yehuda Schonfeld in the fall, and Yehuda Schonfeld (about Wow! There is a note that according to the project of invited scientists), but I got the eyes all read it all just.

Why SARS-COV-2 provokes so many autoimmune reactions? 18296_2
Why SARS-COV-2 provokes so many autoimmune reactions? 18296_3

Download an article by reference. The article is published in Springer Link.

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