David Mouth: Facts about the musician ...

David Mouth: Facts about the musician ... 18295_1

Mad Stories about David Lee

David Mouth is a real legend. One of the greatest vocalists of all time - he brought the group Van Halen to her initial success ... However, the unsurpassed image of David and his insane scenic trials often overshadowed the genius of the Band ... List of insane stories and wild facts about David Lee's company almost endlessly! But we still decided to reduce this list to the most interesting ... So: these are the most insane stories about David's company! Hit!

He created a "incentive program" to encourage the team of Van Halen to choose the best fans for him ...

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David Roth

Anyone who ever listened to the songs of Van Halen knows that David Lee's mouth experienced appetite to lust bordering obscenity ... and yes: this man had a highly organized fan of selection system. He created a "incentive program" in order to encourage the Van Halen team to select, and after - to invite the most sexy fans to him ... So: each team member was given five passes for the scenes to spread during each performance. Whose pass was delivered to the beauty, with which David spent the night together, that 100 bucks got it! Here is such a business! But that's not all…

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About your earnings ...
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About the sense of humor ...
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About rock stars ...
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About your character ...
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About music ...

The musician also developed his own high-organized system with color encoding! How did it work? Yes, very simple! When the mouth toured (both with a group and solo), he forced the road team to paint barriers before the scene in different colors (from the side that appealed to it, of course). Thus, he indicated different zones of the audience. During the eye, he was looking for an attractive beauty in the crowd, and in the breaks between the songs came to his assistant and called the color of the row, the place, the girls' signs ... Then the assistant went to the hall and pasted her skull for the scenes right on the chest! Well, further history is most likely, and so clear.

He played a bad guy in a short-term Japanese film

In 2013, a short film called Tokyo Story appeared on the Youtube channel David Lee Rota. At first it was described as a trailer (later the description was changed). Killer plays the mouth in him.

As for the film, it is clearly obliged to classic nihilistic films about Yakuza and samurai 60s and 70s, although it is talid more like the works of Takasi MiiM, with his impudent satire and oddities. At about the time when the video was released, the company was often seen in Tokyo, and he admitted that he had a relationship with Japanese twice. He also trained in various martial arts, including Kendo.

He had a chameleon-like ability ... And she saved it!

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David Li Roth and Mark Goodman

MTV Mark Gudman's widget remembered how with David they are in the club toilet on Melrose-Avenue in Los Angeles about four in the morning dismissed the prohibited substances, when the cops broke into the building in search of people who can be arrested. To Gudman's amazement, the mouth responded so quickly and calmly that his personality remained unnoticed by the police, despite the fact that at that time he was one of the largest rock stars in the world! He tied his hair back and refuel the shirt. He had a big bottle (drugs were stored there), which he threw out from the toilet window. Less Gudman:

He arranged "the best in the life of the weekend" to her fan!

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David Lee Roth on stage ...

In 1984, a competition called "Lost Weekend" was held on MTV, whose winner was sent to light on the weekend ... along with Van Halen! Kurt Jeffris, who then was 20 years old, won the prize, and he was allowed to take one person with him. He chose a better friend and a colleague superfana VH Tom Vinnik, and they went to Detroit together, where the group met them with open arms.

Jeffreys and Vinnik spent on April 5 and 6, 1984 in Motor City with Van Haleh. Before meeting with the group, they were given free alcohol and mountains of VH collectible things. After a few hours, they were led to the arena, on which VH played that night: they watched the show from the sound booth. Before the set of VH ended, Jeffreys brought to the scene, where whether the mouth presented his 12 thousand thousand fans and poured him champagne. Jeffreys recalled:

Jeffreis silent about the spicy details, but it is enough to say that there were fans everywhere, and he confirmed that the road brigade was justified by his reputation ... He also admitted that at some point he was in the soul and did not remember the exact details of many events that occurred.

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David Lee Mouth in time speeches

The next morning, Jeffreys woke up in a bath with the "worst hangover in his life," but the fun on it was not over! The second night ended when Jeffreis arranged a fight with a rich mouth and his guards! He himself said that it was "the best time in my life" ...

At the peak of Glory Lee Roth insured her body (well, or almost) by 1 million dollars ...

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David Lee Mouth ..

In March 2013, the musician asked, is it true that he insured his body to 1 million dollars in Lloyd's of London? As it turned out, in rumors a lot of truth, but for this amount he insured not all his body: it was a proud citadel of his masculinity ... Explaining why he insured this part of the body, whether her mouth said:

He was an excellent friend ...

In the mid-80s, Mark Gudman faced difficulties in his personal life ... in order to avoid family disassembly, he went to the first in the history of the Solo Tour Daimond Dave! During the tour of the mouth, as a true friend, tried to pick up Goodman, sending it a pretty fan ... Actually, let me listen to Goodman:

Once he spent almost four days without food in the jungle of New Guinea ...

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David Mouth ...

In 1984, Diamond Dave made a trip to the highland jungle of New Guinea, which he told in detail in the sixth episode of his podcast "Rota Show". He and his team wandered on wild places, moving from the village to the village, going through everything they could get, be it fruit or a recently slaughtered pig ... On that trip, he and his team, including his then girl, almost four days They lived without food ... they ended the supplies deep in the jungle, and they were afraid that they would die ... But, fortunately, at the end of the fourth day they came across the village and were saved!

A trip to New Guinea was not the only adventure of the company. In the mid-80s, he also traveled by Amazon and Himalayas. In an interview, the musician told why such trips he always brought pleasure:

He came up with the track "Jump" after watching the news ...

If you believe American journalists, then the mouth came up with the text for one of the loudest singles of the group "Jump", after one evening I looked at the TV on the TV about a person who was going to jump off the roof ... Allegedly, then the musician sketched the phrase: "Let's jump. Jump! Let's jump ... "- Squeeze to the fact that there is always a person in the crowd, which will be eager to expect your jump ...

Samvan David Lee Rota assault seized Ontario in 2008!

In 2008, there were reports that David Li Roth suffers from an allergic response to peanuts: the musician was allegedly delivered to Ontario, Canada. A few days later, the mouth published a statement in which it was said:

It was very puzzled by the police, since whether the mouth was presumably still in the hospital ... As it turned out, a person who told the authorities that he was Diamond Dave, when he was taken to the hospital because of an allergic reaction to peanuts, was a very convincing inventor! If you believe the report of the Rolling Stone, Fake Dave went straight from the hospital to the party:

He worked as an ambulance at the beginning of the 2000s ...

In the early 2000s, Dave worked as an ambulance (EMT) Sanitar in New York. In 2004, he said that it was "perfect work ..." The company was 49 when he tried this role for himself, and described it as "adventure opening." His mentor Linda Rissman said:

The mouth itself said:

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