National Interest spoke about Su-35 superiority over American F-15


Su-35 has 12 nodes of suspended ammunition, while the F-15 is only eight.

American expert Sebastian Rublin, who writes articles for the famous magazine National Interest, published a material that he devoted comparing the Russian 4 ++ SU-35 generation fighter and American F-15C. At the same time, Roblin noted that the Russian aircraft is a deep upgrade of the Soviet Su-27. The resulting machine, according to the American expert, became more maneuverable, acquired a malightness, engines with a variable vector of thrust and modern avionics. The fighter is equipped with a powerful IRBIS-E radar station, which is able to detect a range of 400 kilometers.

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However, the RLS of the American F-15C has a greater permit, it is well protected from the effects of REC funds and can withstand tracking by enemy radar. Plus, SU-35 Sebastian Rollin called the presence of an infrared search system, which can see the enemy at a distance of 50 kilometers. There is simply no such system on the American plane. Also, the F-15C is completely deprived of unimprovability, and in the SU-35 design, such capabilities were originally laid.

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As the American expert noted, the Russian fighter wins and in armament. Su-35 has 12 nodes of suspended ammunition, while the F-15 is only eight. Both aircraft carry air-air missiles, but the range of Russian rockets K-77 M is 200 kilometers against 160 in American AIM-120D. Also on Su-35, the suspension of ultra-dollar missiles R-37 M. These ammunition, according to the author of the article, will be particularly effective against the air tankers and the drill aircraft.

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Although F-15 is a very maneuverable plane, he is already morally outdated. CU-35, which has power plants with a variable vector of thrust, will not leave the American colleague chances in the near air combat. At the same time, the Russian aircraft can also work according to ground targets, while F-15 is created solely to conquer domination in the air.

Earlier, Rosoboronexport called the condition for the sale of the Su-57 fighter abroad.

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