Denis Babakov: "Mortgage cannot be accused of growing prices"

Anonim What are your estimates of the past year in St. Petersburg. What events would you notice particularly and how did they influence the markets?

Denis Babakov, Commercial Director of LSR. Real estate - North-West ": year was not easy, but interesting. Naturally, the main event was a pandemic and those changes that she contributed to our life. We had to temporarily go to the online sales of apartments. This service was tested earlier in other regions, so we continued to work systematically on the already naked scheme. And the transition to online was painless for both employees and customers.

Another important event is a program of a subsidized mortgage rate, which allowed more citizens to improve their housing conditions. Perhaps, St. Petersburg residents were the main beneficiaries due to the fact that the lending limit in our region is 12 million: the most apartments sold in St. Petersburg in new buildings are suitable for these conditions. What market segments showed growth?

DB: This year, comfort-class projects were very popular. Especially our facilities of the LCD "Colored City" and LCD "Civilization", where we celebrated a strong sales growth both in the third and fourth quarter. Does this year begin the implementation of a million-line project on Rzhevka?

DB: Yes, we plan to start implementing the project this year. How do you assess the role of mortgages last year?

DB: Mortgage has long become a market driver. And its role is only positive, because thanks to the mortgage, a large number of people can buy an apartment on a comfortable environment and live in it right now, rather than dig a dozen years. Moreover, everyone knows that money is depreciated, they are "eaten" inflation and there is a chance to buy nothing ultimately.

This year, during a pandemic, the preferential mortgage helped the construction industry, as well as many residents not only from St. Petersburg, but also other cities of Russia, were able to use a record low rate to purchase an apartment. The other day, the Bank of Russia proposed to extend the preferential mortgage under 6.5% only in those regions where the difficult situation with housing. However, Petersburg in this list is not included, so it is worth hurrying with the purchase of housing at a low rate, while there is a chance. Is it possible only her, mortgage, accused of growing prices?

DB: No, the mortgage cannot be accused of growing prices. This affects a large number of factors. These include inflation, the growth of costs, the construction readiness of the house, the promotion of apartments in the project and much more. It should be noted that at the moment the security in our country and in St. Petersburg in particular, quite low, the residential foundation is mostly outdated and does not meet modern standards of comfortable housing. The demand for apartments is large, so there is no prerequisites for lower housing prices yet. What new trends were formed in the new buildings market last year? What will be saved in this?

DB: Today, the main trend in the market are ergonomic apartments. They use and in great demand. The most successful in this format are euro-block, which combined the kitchen with the living room. A large number of such apartments are presented in the projects of the LSR Group LCD "Reserve Park", LCD "Strokes", LCD "Civilization", LCD "Colored City". Also, the company has its own unique format "supernovye" apartments, where the increased number of windows and additional openings allow you to adjust the room with the help of mobile shots or furniture.

In addition, the LSR Group brought out in 2020 in part of its ergonomic projects of the business class studio apartment. This trend will continue in 2021. Such real estate found its buyer and is in demand. Studios in the business segment are ideal for young people who appreciate comfort and the corresponding environment. At the moment, a similar housing format is represented in the LCD "Civilization on the Neva".

Small apartments are interesting not only for business, but also for the elite segment. For example, in the United States or European Studios - this is one of the most purchased real estate species. Such apartments are common in New York, Los Angeles, California, Las Vegas. They certainly cost cheaper than a country house or a multicorate apartment, but also form a certain environment and environment. For example, in Los Angeles, at the expense of its roast climate, in almost every complex there is an outdoor pool, which can enjoy residents of the house. Of course, similar conveniences are assumed and the corresponding spending for the service. In Germany, Spain, Italy, France is also distributed to this type of real estate. In metropolitan cities, the cost of a square meter is usually high. You can buy high-quality accommodation in good location at an affordable price. It became possible due to the presence of studios in the business and elite segments.

Another trend will be apartments without balconies. Buying such housing will cost the client cheaper - because you do not have to overpay for unnecessary square meters. In addition, today many turn a balcony in the warehouse, and he begins to turn the trash. If the balcony is open, then all these things are becoming an universal review, as well as spoil the beautiful view of the facade of the building. It is no secret that the historical center of St. Petersburg and the associated complexes of monuments are included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites, also the city is considered the cultural capital of Russia. Therefore, the appearance of each building separately is of great importance for St. Petersburg. Moreover, storehouses can be used to store things that are increasingly found in modern projects. In the LSR Group, in almost all business class and elite projects, you can find places to store things. How do you rate the level of demand now? Are there any reasons for its growth or fall? What do you think, what is the dynamics will change the prices this year?

DB: There are no prerequisites for a decrease in value today. Currently, housing in our country and in St. Petersburg in particular, quite low, the residential foundation is mostly outdated and does not meet modern standards of comfortable housing. Therefore, housing prices will grow. What projects are planning this year? If it `s not a secret.

DB: "LSR Group" regularly displays new projects on sale. The coming year will not be an exception. In 2021, the company plans to bring several new objects to the market. One of them is NEVA Residence, which will be the continuation of elite history on Petrovsky Island. The future owners of the apartments are waiting for a view of the small Neva and the historical part of Vasilyevsky Island. As part of the project, NEVA Residence will be exclusive apartments with winter gardens and terraces at the same time, high ceilings from 3 meters.

Also, the "LSR Group" will continue to put new houses on such iconic and large-scale comfort-class projects as the LCD "Reserved Park", LCD "Colored City", LCD "Brooki", LCD "Civilization", as well as in business projects Class LCD "Civilization on the Neva" and LCD "Sea Embankment".

Denis Babakov:
Denis Babakov, Commercial Director of LSR. Real estate - Northwest "

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