Brought a carpet from vacation? What will happen to the epidemic in Russia in January


At the beginning of the year, the decline in the number of patients with Caid was recorded in Russia. However, the situation can again worsen against the background of the return of Russians from New Year's travels and an increase in the number of tests. But medicine is still ready for such developments.

Brought a carpet from vacation? What will happen to the epidemic in Russia in January 18276_1
RIA Novosti / Evgeny Biyatov

The number of infected coronavirus in Russia may increase after the New Year holidays. This is due to the return of Russians from New Year's travels around the country, many of which were held without opposing the antiviral rules. The role of testing is also played. What will happen to the epidemic in Russia after the completion of the vacation?

Catching gift from vacation

The number of coronavirus infected in Russia may increase after the New Year holidays, the chief physician of the Leader-Medicine Medical Center, Evgeny Timakov Pediatrician, believes.

"We will see the increase in incidence not only in Moscow, but also throughout Russia. Also, the splash will be in resort cities, because people not only from there were taken into infection, but also brought her there. But since a part of the population has already formed its definite immunity, then the growth of morbidity, I hope that will be not so big, explosive, "he said on the broadcast of the Moscow-24 TV channel.

At the end of the first decade of January, the social networks of Russians were overcrowded by photographs and videos who captured chaos and shovels at Adler Airports, Omsk and other air harbors.

Brought a carpet from vacation? What will happen to the epidemic in Russia in January 18276_2
Queue at the Airport / Lila Porollo /

In the registration halls and even the crowds of people accumulated, many of whom were without masks. Speeches on the observance of the social distance did not go at all. This situation is quite possible, will become a "New Year's gift" for the virus, which will begin to circulate in Russia with a new force.

From the aircraft - immediately for tests

The role of testing is also played. After January 1, it decreased noticeably, they told the Anews working in the Covel Laboratory doctors. In many ways, the decline of the official number of new infesses was connected with this, which in the first days of the new year dropped to the marks in mid-November 2020.

However, since January 9, queues were lined up in polyclinics and points of testing of analyzes: people are quite reasonably believed that they can bring a virus from rest. As a result, due to the rapid increase in the number of tests and an objective increase in the number of infections, the epidemic situation in the country may worse in the coming days.

Resuscitation is never empty

At the same time, Moscow medicine as a whole is ready to increase the number of cases, Anews reported resuscitative masters in a large metropolitan hospital. Doctors have already adapted to the epidemic, and large hospitals have a margin of strength and to bed-places, and by equipment, and by personnel.

Resuscitation compartments, unfortunately, never empty, doctors say, and the New Year's holidays recession also did not. At the same time, many severe patients arrive in the hospital, in which Kovid was only a concomitant disease, in general, not influenced the course and outcome of the disease. "We are not divided by patients on the neckid and no," doctors say. - Everyone needs help, we all try to have it with all my might. There is a different thing that not all of us is subject to us. "

At the same time, three commissions with checks arrived at the hospital for the first seven days of January. Apparently, the authorities still hold the hand on the pulse of the epidemic, trying to understand what is really happening.

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