Mortgage for "Favorites": the issuance of preferential loans will be demolished for "non-profit"


The authorities have already nominated several proposals, as a preferential mortgage program will develop in the coming years. Loans will allegedly provide only to "beneficiaries": large families, medical workers medicine and science, low-income people. The rest will have to take a mortgage at a rate above 6.5%, the experts argue that the authorities are trying to reduce budget spending on statesussidation for themselves.

"With an increase in demand for innovative solutions to topical problems, the value of scientific personnel increases, for example. At the same time, the tendency of the "brain leak" continues from Russia. The preferential mortgage is a way to support and psychologically "tied" researchers to the country. The innovation will not greatly affect the total number of mortgage transactions. But if the subsidized mortgage distributes to all preferential categories, we will have another explosive growth in the cost of housing, "comments Mikhail Chernov, co-founder and managing partner of the service for refinancing Mortgage Refin.Online.

"The essence of the preferential bet is to support certain categories of customers, therefore, the same benefit to disseminate in all citizens is irrational and does not reflect the essence of the address assistance. Support must be a specific and targeted, solving problems of certain categories of citizens or a certain industry, "says Tatyana Khobothova, a territorial manager for working with partners in the mortgage of the North-West branch of the bank" Opening ".

"The government and the Central Bank has a peculiar logic - they distribute debts in the form of assistance. In their presentation, if groups that earn less (scientists, large families) will take loans on more "soft" conditions - then this is the "targeted support" of the population. Actually, in different states a different style. In Belarus, President Lukashenko issues preferential loans directly to the riots, this is also a way to solve the problem. And the Central Bank has no task to increase the number of mortgage transactions. Its goal is to ensure the stability of the financial system. And banks, in contrast to most of the industries, earn very well. State duties for subsidizing rates is the consumable part of the budget. And - yes, it is risks. But relatively small and for many years. But these risks overlap with additional tax revenues (from builders, from the same banks). In addition, officials are not accustomed to and do not know how long-term prospects and risks. They have a planning horizon - a year or two maximum, "comments the market expert Dmitry Sinkin.

Mortgage for
Mortgage for "Favorites": the issuance of preferential loans will be demolished for "non-profit"

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