Deputy: Contributions to ENPF and insurance funds were T1.8 trillion - it is more than KPN


Deputy: Contributions to ENPF and insurance funds were T1.8 trillion - it is more than KPN

Deputy: Contributions to ENPF and insurance funds were T1.8 trillion - it is more than KPN

Astana. 10th of March. KazTag - Valentina Vladimirskaya. In Kazakhstan, contributions to the Unified Accumulative Pension Fund (ENPF), as well as the Funds of Social and Medical Insurance, were T1.8 trillion, remaining outside the control of Parliament and the Accounts Committee, said the deputy of Majilis Amanzhan Zhamalov.

"In 2020, the total contributions and deductions to extra-budgetary funds: ENPF, social and health insurance were T1.8 trillion - more than KPN (corporate income tax - KazTAG) in the republican budget," said Zhamalov, announced a deputy request for Majilis meeting on Wednesday.

According to him, now the costs of extrabudgetary funds remain out of control of the Parliament and the Accounts Committee, and this is billions of tenge. For example, in 2019, the administrative expenses of ENPF exceeded T11.8 billion, the State Social Insurance Fund - T1.9 billion.

In 2019, the administrative expenses of the Social Medical Insurance Foundation (FSMU) exceeded T5.8 billion. Of these, T4.4 billion were spent on labor.

"If you divide on all 850 employees of the Foundation, then everyone accounts for T434 thousand per month - two times higher than the average salary in the country," the deputy noted.

Financial statements in the Fund shows that the four members of the Management Board was paid to the amount of the order of T77 million, according to T19 million for each, added a deputy.

"The Chairman of the Board of the FSHS refused to publicly call his salary. And this is in the state fund, which is contained through contributions and deductions of citizens, "Zhamalov was indignant.

Recall, on January 20, the Chairman of the Board of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Bolat Tokzhanov refused to call his salary, but the editorial board of KazTAG became known the amount of remuneration of the Fund's previous leadership. As Tokzhanov said, the salary scheme of the FSMS was approved in 2017 by the Board of Directors, and since then it has not changed. Thus, even if we take as a basis the average arithmetic value (T1 788 244.75 per month per top manager or T21 458 937 per year), it will turn out that the current management of the Foundation in the composition of the five people receives about T107 million per year. For comparison - the official minimum wage for 2021 is T42.5 thousand (42500 tenge), this is more than 42 times less than the average, representatives of the FSMP top management are probably earned right now.

Tokzhanov's refusal to reveal the amount of its salary has already caused the indignation of Kazakhstanis, many consider unacceptable formulation of "commercial mystery" against a non-profit joint-stock company, which is the FSH. Also, the public indicates that the obligation of contributions is not voluntary, the fund receives funds from the population of Kazakhstan, so the top management of the Fund receives a salary of actually from popular money, but how much it takes from the people for their "services", does not reveal, referring On some kind of "commercial mystery".

It should be noted that the appointment of Tokhezhanov to the post of chapter of the FSHS was preceded by a scandal worked out in Kazakhstan in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic. Thus, on July 10, 2020, at an expanded meeting of the Government of Tokaev in connection with the situation with the coronacrisis, he instructed to dismiss the managers of the FSHS and SC-Pharmacy, and, if necessary, to investigate. According to the head of state, everyone wants to work in "SC-Pharmacy", "clan interests are some around this organization." In addition, he noted that in the FSHS "you need to put a more business and less glamorous person." On the evening of July 10, it became known that Abyre Zhumagulov left the post of chapter of the FSHS, and Berick Sharip is the heads of "SC-Pharmacy". Tokzhanov headed the FSH on July 12, 2020.

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