War for all one

War for all one 18244_1

It was under Voroshilovgrad when the liberation of one of the settlements. It was given a task to free the village and thereby delay the enemy.

The task was instructed by the crew of my tank (at that time I was a tank commander). With the help of infantry, this village was released. Two enemy guns were bent, 2 machine guns and one tractor.

When liberating the city of columns (2 / VII-1944), I was a tank driver mechanic. We suddenly broke into the city for the enemy, captured the iron axle and rapid actions began to release the station. For the enemy, our attack was unexpected. The city was freed 4 tanks. All day we created panic among the enemy. At night we decided to give peace of the enemy. Tanks put on the outskirts of the city on vacation. The enemy again tried to break into the city several times, but despite the forces superior to us, the attacks were repulsed. In this attack, the commander of Vanka Ishkov, a black-eyed beautiful man behaved in this attack. Attacks from the enemy were four. In the last attack, the commander of the gun was killed. The shell passed through his body. Just shouted to me: "Bear, I killed." In this battle, the crew of our tank was destroyed by several soldiers of the enemy, armored personnel carrier, tank, 2 cars.

April 4, 1943 liberated the city separate. The crew of our tank burst into the rear of the opponent (the tank commander was Mishka Konstantinov - Sibiryak-Bogatyr; charging Boris Bikmaev - Bashkir; Assistant mechanic Peter Sidicchy - Khokhol, always cheerful, cheerful).

We drove past the elevator, went to the rear of the enemy and began to crush the enemy. The enemy was running to escape, dropping off his clothes and weapons. We pressed them with caterpillars, simultaneously shot from guns and machine gun. Soldiers of the enemy, raising his hands, headed in our direction.

Suddenly the engine of our tank, I quickly eliminated the malfunctions in the engine, and we moved to the city by rapid actions, finishing the remaining soldiers of the enemy. In the sky suddenly appeared the opponent's plane, made several goals over the tank and began to stop shooting in us.

Without reaching the nearest settlement (to the first hut), the commander of the Mishka Konstantinov Machine was injured. We left the car near the house and moved it to the house for dressing wounds. The doctor lived there. In the car I remained alone. Suddenly noise and rockness of motors. I looked around. A retreating opponent of black wrap around the gardens was moving in our direction. I drank them closer and gave several machine-gun queues. Hearing the shooting ran out of the house of bikmaev and sediment. Quickly ran to the car and began to fight back from the enemy. Three German tankers crawled closer to our tank. Boris Bikmayev took the manual automatic, the crawling towards them and the stop destroyed them.

In this battle, it was destroyed (suppressed by caterpillars and machine-gun fire) about 50 German soldiers and officers, two guns were chopped, 1 tank, machine gun unit and 4 cars.

Liberation of the city of Debrecen

The opponent has 36 guns installed in front of the city. We attacked the city on three tanks. It was scary, but we still went through, thanks to the courage, maneuverability and the resourcefulness of the crew. By our tank, 6 enemy cannons were destroyed, a tiger tank was shot down, one tank is damaged to the ram. For Debrecen Our 134th tank regiment was the Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky. Mostly fate we decided on three tanks.

Before Tokhod, there was someone's tank in front of our tank. Everything broke the direct hit, even the tower threw meters by 5-10 to the side. They all died, but we still do not know whose one was the crew. Then Peter sipalized in the bushes of one German "tiger". Here is this tank and now before your eyes. For some moment - and did not become a tank and the entire crew in the amount of 4 people. And there were no such cases! ..

CAI RM. F. 5977th. Op. 2. D. 53. L. 23 - 25. Mastep. Copy. Published partially: Azyrkin M.P. Crew machine combat // Fighters remember ...: Collection. Saransk, 1970. P. 141 - 144.

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