The driver claims that he was able to challenge a fine from the speed chamber. What actually happened on the M6 ​​track

The driver claims that he was able to challenge a fine from the speed chamber. What actually happened on the M6 ​​track 18220_1
The driver claims that he was able to challenge a fine from the speed chamber. What actually happened on the M6 ​​track 18220_2

The portal has published the history of his reader Alexander, who claims that he was able to prove his innocence and cancel a fine from the speed chamber, which allegedly recorded his violation on January 15 on the M6 ​​track (Minsk - Grodno), near turn to a large Mozhekovo.

- On January 15, he drove on the M6 ​​highway, and in the Schuchinsky district at the 197th kilometer on my car worked out a flash of the speed fixation chamber. I was surprised - after all, followed by signs. Yes, the speed was about 120 km / h, but because it is permitted, - leads the words of Alexander.

A man unfolded in the nearest allowed place and returned to double-check himself. Just in case, turned on the camera on the phone. This is, as stated, he helped in the future.

- I recently came to me the so-called "letter of happiness." It indicates my speed of 121 km / h with allegedly allowed 100 km / h. And fine - 2 basic quantities, or 58 rubles, - explains Alexander.

He went to the traffic police, showed a ruling from the camera and video.

- In the traffic police, I was told that I was not the first to appeal to this chamber. I understand that all other drivers were without a video, without evidence and went to pay a fine. I also promised to call back and finely cancel. It turns out that the camera setting does not match the sign. And how many days it continued - unknown. If you were in a similar situation, you can safely use my video of January 15 and write a statement in the traffic police, "our reader added.

It will be curious to know what the story of Alexander will end, since "they promised to call back and cancel" - the formulation of Svykina.

Anyway, the Onliner correspondent tried to find out what actually happened on the M6 ​​highway: was an error made when configuring the photo scatter device or the question in the signs of the signs?

According to our information, at the specified period in this section of the route Minsk - Grodno was temporarily lowered the maximum permissible movement speed. This happens regularly, influence the introduction of temporary restrictions, for example, weather conditions. In mid-January, in Belarus "Dali Winter", that was what had affected the road atmosphere.

Therefore, with a lot of probability, we can say that the photo science device worked correctly. SZAO "Safe Roads of Belarus" in this regard closely interacts with the traffic police, and the probability of error is not so great.

Another thing is the signs. In the RUE "Grodnaavtodor", the Onliner correspondent confirmed the information that the M6 ​​section was temporarily reduced in this section. In such cases, constant signs do not dismantle, but resort to a simpler method: they are deployed so that they are not visible to drivers. It was probably done on the 197th km of M6, but then what happened?

In the RUE "Grodnoavtodor" assume that someone could deliberately turn the sign back. Purely technically is easy to do. The motives of such an act may be different, to reliably establish them within the framework of this publication is not possible. As a result, a dangerous situation could arise: in fact, the speed on the track is limited to 100 km / h, the drivers see the "120" sign and oriented, of course, on it. The camera fixes violations.

It is not known how many drivers got into this curious situation: who saw on the sign 120, who simply exceeded, without looking at any signs.

As a result, on a par with how this situation is resolved, many are asked by another question. For what reason, during a temporary change in the speed mode, the signs only unfold, and not dismantle? In the RUE "Grodnoavtodor", this is explained by the need to do work quickly.

- The speed may not be changed on one, but on several sites of roads. If we talk about the full dismantling of the sign, then you need to take into account that it has a foundation that would cause certain difficulties. That is, dismantling the signs, and then their installation would occupy for a while, - the roadmakers explained.

Familiar with the situation? Write to us: [email protected] or

How much will you have to pay if you fell to the camera? Excess COAP Fine from 10 to 20 km / h. 5 tbsp. 18.13 0.5 basic values ​​(14 rubles 50 kopecks) from 20 to 30 km / h. 6 Art. 18.13 2 Basic values ​​(58 rubles) from 30 to 40 km / h. 7 tbsp. 18.13 4 Basic values ​​(116 rubles) Over 40 km / h. 8 tbsp. 18.13 6 Basic Values ​​(174 rubles)

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