Agrarian youth of Tatarstan can creative and ask questions to employers

Agrarian youth of Tatarstan can creative and ask questions to employers 18209_1

The agrarian youth association of Tatarstan initiated the Kuchtanach project, aimed at promoting farm products. He was first presented at the agro-industrial exhibition of Tatagroexpo, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan in the territory of the Kazan Expo exhibition center.

Micromarkets plan to establish in the central part of the municipalities in the areas of Tatarstan. The microwarket is a special refrigerator, where consumers have the opportunity to purchase a high-quality farm product by contactless way.

"It is assumed that the best farming areas of the district will be placed in the refrigerator, which will be installed in the center of the municipality. Farmers will be able to be non-contact, safely by implementing their products, and the consumer acquire it, "said the chairman of the agrarian youth association of the Republic of Tatarstan Dilyar Shuvalov.

Also within the framework of the exhibition, students of agricultural universities met with the leaders of agro-industrial enterprises and farms.

Representatives of Service-Agro, Joint Stock Company "August Agroofirma" Tugan Yak ", LLC Agro-industrial company Food Program and KFH" Minekhanov Mintalip "", Tatagrokhimservis Group of Companies, Ammonium Agro Technology LLC told about working conditions , as well as the salary and corporate ethics of organizations.

During the meeting, students were interested in the provision of housing to young professionals, passing internships in international companies and what specialists today in which area need the most.

Thus, a student "Zootechnia" profile Anastasia Pavlova was interested in the possibility of passing foreign internships.

The CEO of Rail Kalimullina, Director General of the Tatagrokhimservis Group of Companies, answered the question: "Since we work with a large number of international partners, our employees go to their agrocenters. Most recently, we have visited the German-seed alliance with experts. "

As for the issue of housing, all employers responded positively. Many companies build specialized accommodation for their employees. For example, last year 20 houses laid 20 houses in the RM Agro Group of Companies.

At the end of the event, students were able to share their opinions and choose the most prosperous jobs.

(Source: press service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food RT).

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