"Sber" plans to launch his digital currency: why it is needed and what is different from the digital ruble Central Bank


In 2021, the Central Bank and Sberbank are planning to develop digital currencies - but in different fields and on different technologies.

In early January 2021, "Sber" filed a request to the Central Bank for the registration of the blockchain-platform and the release of its own digital currency - Sbercoin or Sbercoin.

"Technologically, the Bank is ready to work with such a fatenur currency, we have been tested inside and saw that this decision works," said the Deputy Board of the Bank Anatoly Popov.

Registration began just after the draft law on digital financial assets and digital currencies has entered into force on January 1, which allows the Russians to buy digital analogues of securities and gives digital assets legal status.

What is known about "Sbercoin": the ability to buy digital bills and acceleration of bank transactions

For the first time, representatives of the bank told about the release of cryptocurrencies in August 2020. It will be a stubbindow - a digital coin tied to the ruble and with a fixed value.

Steel-tied to national currencies are less susceptible to the course fluctuations, and the "Sberbank" has an infrastructure to ensure its liquidity, experts are considered "Vedomosti" experts.

In November 2020, German Gref confirmed the declaration plans to the blockchain-platform market, which will provide services for buying digital financial assets and "green" financial instruments, such as bonds.

The full possibilities of the use of Sbercoin "Sber" has not yet been called, but one of them will be the purchase of a digital bill instead of paper, told the top manager of Bank Anatoly Popov in January.

Experts surveyed by "Vedomosti" suggest that the Bank will also use Sbercoin to conduct trade and economic and financial operations within the bank's ecosystem and between banks.

This will speed up the execution and at the same time reduce their cost, as well as provide greater transparency of transactions - to track and monitor the consumption of funds.

Application for the registration of the Sberbank Blockchain-Platform should be considered within 45 days, then it will either register it, or comments will be transmitted.

Launch the "Sber" platform plans in the spring of 2021, but it will be necessary to resolve the issue with the taxation of digital financial assets - the legislative framework for work with the Central Committee and the cryptocurrencies is not ready for the end.

Sbercoin - not a digital ruble

In October 2020, the Central Bank announced plans to create a digital ruble, which can be used without access to the Internet and store on a special electronic wallet.

The electronic currency combines the properties of cash and non-cash rubles. Each "digital" ruble will have a unique electronic code - as banknote numbers. And all online operations with them will be accomplished in the same way as with cashless calculations.

The new format, according to the Central Bank, should help reduce the cost of payment services, remittances and increase competition among financial organizations.

In January 2021, banks rated the costs for the entire banking system to introduce a digital ruble in "tens of billions of rubles".

Banks will have to modernize the equipment and software, and only the cybersecurity income of the digital ruble will cost banks and the Central Bank of 25 billion rubles, calculated "Sber".

# Sber # cryptocurrencies # digitaluce

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