Leo Turini chooses Duet Ferstaptpen-Perez


Leo Turini chooses Duet Ferstaptpen-Perez 18194_1

The famous Italian journalist Leo Turini, analyzing the teams of teams in 2021, preferred the Duet Racers Red Bull Racing.

Sooner or later, racing motors will be brought again, although in the time of the pandemic it is recommended to proceed from the fact that any plans for the future are from the field of hypothetical. It also relates to Formula 1, to its calendar and regulations.

In any case, in the coming season, whenever it starts, we will see numerous personnel permutations. Since they were preceded by a certain period of relative statics, all this is all the more curious.

Since the contract with Lewis Hamilton has not yet been signed, Mercedes is still left aside, although you will be unwilling up, how will it end: the Hamilton Bottas version or Bottas-Russell?

At the same time, I consider Max Ferstappen and Sergio Peres to the most balanced duet.

You can think about the character and statements of the Dutchman, anything, but behind the wheel he is just steep. Everything must agree with this, regardless of sympathies and antipathies.

But Mexican is also a very cool guy. And when the second racer is quite comparable in speed with the unconditional team leader, in Red Bull Racing can already dream of a victory in the Cup of Designers.

It is worth paying attention to two points.

First, in Red Bull always preferred Ferstappen (ask Daniel Riccardo, he knows). Will it be able to keep the situation under control and find the right approach to both riders who will keep the right balance, because it is a subtle business?

Secondly, Peres, to put it mildly, is far from the best. When he was a listener of the Ferrari Racing Academy, this page of his career was over due to the tendency to fist.

I remember after the Grand Prix of Malaysia 2012 (where he first rose to the podium) I congratulated it from the 2nd place. He learned through his teeth, which is extremely upset, because he should have won. I objected: "But for some time I drove ahead of Alonso, and you look at Ferrari." He parried: "This is another reason to get it out."

In general, we understood each other.

Is he with the time more mature professional? Some believe that it became, believing that he learned good manners, communicating with the family of Lance Stroll. Others do not agree with this. We'll see. In the meantime, I believe that the pair of Racers Red Bull Racing is the best of all duets of 2021.

Source: Formula 1 on F1news.ru

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