Decorate garden plot with currant


Good afternoon, my reader. Currant is most often grown for juicy fragrant berries, without thinking that the shrub perfectly complements the design of the landscape.

Decorate garden plot with currant 18176_1
Decorate the garden plot with the currant Maria Verbilkova

The desire of people make the garden not only prolific, but also beautiful, grows in geometric progression. Gardeners are aware of the importance of the visual component, use for it both elements of decor and ordinary garden crops. Currant is a non-standard way to decorate the landscape design of your site, if you look at it on the other side.

In the spring, decorative elements of the shrub are represented by minimalistic inflorescences, at the expense of which the plant looks beautiful. Agrotechnically correct place for landing and taking into account design requirements will allow CMOROD to become a central element of the garden design.

Currant in the form of green hedges

Live fencing from red or black currant is grown as a way to protect against wind streams. Golden currants looks more organic, being a decorative element or a low border.

Locking a group of several shrubs

Landing a group is used as a way to limit the boundaries of the site or in its center, which can serve as an excellent design element. It is important to ensure the smoothness of the landing boundaries using an odd number of shrubs.

Landing single shrubs (solitizers)

Reception is used by designers during the arrangement of parks, but the gardeners use it during the scenery of their sites. Single shrubs must be lush and attractive throughout the season of flowering. The advantage will be a sufficient amount of open space, where the width of the clearing and the height of the adult plant correlate as 3: 1.

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Decorate the garden plot with the currant Maria Verbilkova

Sleery landing of currants

The process of cultivation of the shrub on the lattice is time consumed and applied, but the result is worth it. Aesthetically properly decorated landing will attract the attention of the guests of the site, and will also allow the currant to obtain a sufficient amount of light. This method reduces the number of shrub diseases, leads to consolidation and improving the sweetness of fruits.

Currant as a tree

Currant on the strain not only visually attractively looks in the garden, but also gives a large amount of fruit berries. Creating a tree is possible when growing a seedling with a root or grafting of red currant on a golden, however, this method takes a lot of time and effort.

The pity of the cultivation of a trees-currant:

  1. The strongest vertical escape of the annual currant seedling is used, the rest are cut at the ground level. All kidneys are removed, except for the four stamps closest to altitude. The top pinches.
  2. Escape is configured to support 1.4 m height in two places to reduce the risk of breakdown from the wind gust or from the severity of the fruit.
  3. The stack is hidden from sunlight due to a special film or tube from opaque plastic. The procedure allows you to protect the plant from the formation of unnecessary shoots.
  4. In October-November of the following year, it is necessary to shorten new shoots that have grown on the branches of the landing year, half. Remove the branches, visually spoiling a plant type, as well as growing inside.
  5. Choose 4-6 beautiful and stable escapes that will become the branches of the tree, and the remaining shorten up to 5 cm.
  6. In the following years, carry out additional trimming: shortened shoots from last year to the middle, and the remaining twigs are up to two or three centimeters.

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