The Time Edition sells the covers of his magazine in the form of NFT-tokens and will take cryptocurrency


The world-edge news release Time joins the fast-growing trend of unique NFT-tokenes. Time put up for sale three covers of their journal, supported by tokens in the blockchain. The first is Time Cover for the week of April 8, 1966 with the headline "God is dead?" ("Is God Dead?") The second is a reference to the first - cover from 2017, on which it is written: "True dead?" ("Is Truth Dead?"). Three auction lot has become an alternative cover for the current release, in the form of NFT with the headline "Fiat is dead?" ("Is Fiat Dead?"). The real cover of the Time release of March 25 / April 5 is devoted to anti-Asian violence and recent shooters at Atlanta spa. We tell about the situation more.

Recall, NFT-tokens are one of the most popular phenomena from the world cryptocurrency at the beginning of 2021. They change the idea of ​​digital ownership and use the advantages of the blockchain. First, the latter is transparent, which allows anyone who wants to make sure that a separate address really owns a certain job. Secondly, it is impossible to change - and it protects against possible fakes and other troubles.

The topic has become especially popular against the background of the co-founder of Twitter Jack Dorsey. He put up for sale his first tweet in the form of an NFT-tokeny and sold it for the equivalent of 2.91 million dollars.

Sold tweet Jack Dorsey

If you want to get acquainted with the topic more and understand the principle of creating an NFT, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with our detailed material. It also provides examples of work for which buyers gave huge amounts.

Who sells NFT-tokens

At the same time, on the auction with NFT everything will not end. Time President Kit Grossman stated at Twitter that the magazine will begin to take cryptocurrency as payment for a subscription over the next 30 days. The company is also looking for a new financial director, which is said in the message on the LinkedIn platform - "Comfortably knows how to work with Bitcoins and cryptocurrencies."

The Time Edition sells the covers of his magazine in the form of NFT-tokens and will take cryptocurrency 18170_1
That's how Time covers look like this

Haip around NFT or non-violent tokens updates new maxima and penetrated many other industries. This occurs largely due to the fact that NFT can provide transparent proof of the property rights of digital objects. They are already selling famous musicians, artists, twitter regulars, billionaires and other influentials.

Recall, earlier this month, the artist under the pseudonym Beeple sold NFT at Christie's auction for 69 million dollars. His work became the most expensive creation with binding to the blockchain and one of the most expensive paintings in the world as a whole.

The Time Edition sells the covers of his magazine in the form of NFT-tokens and will take cryptocurrency 18170_2
Famous performer Grimes has already sold NFT for several million dollars

On the topic: NFT-tokens may disappear. How do owners not lose them?

At the same time, Time is not the first mass media that experiments with NFT. Previously, Associated Press sold a work of art in the form of a unique token, and the Quartz portal released an article supported by NFT. Finally, the Bleacher Report edition put on auction digital basketball balls for the NBA All Star Weekend, and the Decrypt portal introduced the NFT remuneration system for readers.

Another bright example of the development of the industry is an announcement from the RICO Nasty rap performer, which sells a looped video associated with its new single "OHFR?". This is done in the form of NFT-tokens on the Superrare site.

The Time Edition sells the covers of his magazine in the form of NFT-tokens and will take cryptocurrency 18170_3
Rico Nasty

The video was created by Don Allen Third - an artist and an animator, which is also directly related to a new trend in the digital assets industry. In an exclusive interview with Decrypt Rico Nasty, she stated that it was very impressed by the potential of unique tokens. Here is a quote, in which the author is divided by his attitude to what is happening. A replica brings Decrypt.

The Time Edition sells the covers of his magazine in the form of NFT-tokens and will take cryptocurrency 18170_4
Popular NFT-Token sellers

We believe that the full potential of NFT has yet to be revealed. Now more and more artists, musicians and creators are connected to the topic, which means they value the advantages of the blockchain and allow its massive use in the future. Accordingly, the industry still has where to grow, well, the technology of an immutable chain of blocks will develop further.

Watch out for the development of other innovations of crypto industry in our cryptocat of millionaires. There will discuss other events related to the blockchain-assets.

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