How to choose an online course: Tips for those who want to master a new profession


Free lessons

Usually, at each course, the organizers offer the first free lesson, after which you can purchase the entire course or refuse and look for more suitable for yourself. However, as practice shows, one lesson is not enough to draw up a full picture of the educational program.

Courses that have long established themselves in the market have several lessons in the so-called demonstration version in a trial program. Only clarify the organizer, whether you need to pay for them.

Usually, the courses in such organizers are more expensive, but you will be completely sure that you will be given knowledge without water and exactly on the topic.

How to choose an online course: Tips for those who want to master a new profession 18168_1

Before you pay for an online course, you should soberly assess your willpower, the amount of free time, strength and desire. Each of us skipped school and university classes, but in the conscious age it is not worth it at least because the memory of the mature age we have no one that at age 17. Sometime we could right on the night before the exam assimilate a huge amount of information and not even forget it years later. Now, so that there will be a lot to repeat and the tool, and for this you need a striving, a volitional effort, the absence of distracting factors and enough free time.

Credit or installments for courses

Learn on credit or installments - one of the most popular options to make courses available for a large number of people. Better if the organizer company is tied to some large bank that confesses confidence. Nevertheless, do not forget to check the interest rate on the loan, the date of repayment of the next payment and the size of the fine for delay.

If the organizer himself provides installments, ask if it will be necessary to pay for the incredible part of the course, if you suddenly change their mind to pass.

Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio
Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio

The situation in which you plan to do is important. Imagine that you returned to the university and you have all the same rules. Food, correspondence, serials - distracting factors at home enough, and there is no teacher who can comment to return attention to what he says. If you share living space with other people and you have no opportunity to be alone, it is worth walking into cafes, anticafe, coworking, and in the summer it is possible in the park.


The theory without practicing is nothing! To truly master some skill, it turns out only when performing certain tasks from the curator, and not just when watching video times. Therefore, do not feel free to find out if there is a work experience and how many hours it will be assigned to him.

Very important point - work on real projects. For example, the interior designer will be more useful to learn from a real layout, and not to create such a specialized computer program. This will replenish the portfolio and will help better cope with the duties at the new job.

Express course

If you are promised "stunning result in just 30 days" or "guaranteed success," are not found for loud slogans. This is probably advertising express courses that have nothing to do with the development of a new profession. As a rule, the express course implies the development of only the theoretical part, which consists of only general concepts without any chips or new knowledge. In addition, decent courses will last from six months to the year so that the person from scratch understands the Aza profession.

Feedback with students

Please pay attention to the course there was a feedback system with a teacher. Moreover, both at introductory lectures so that you can immediately ask the question of the question and at the stage of preparing a homework. If all this is, it means that the course organizer takes care of his students.

It is also worth exploting the composition of teachers and course developers. Who are these people, what are their professional experience and achievements? Check out this information and decide for yourself if you trust these people.

Pexels / pixabay reviews

Be sure to explore the reviews on the official website of the course. If they are completely laudatory among them, it is worth thinking about choosing another course - probably these reviews ordered. It is better to look for them in social networks, there is a variety of painting.

First of all, it is worth considering the areas that suggest work in online mode. If only because the pandemic recently turned the world from his legs on his head, and every business is now seeking to completely go online.

Does not lose relevance to such a direction as SMM. The presence in social networks is vital today for any company or specialist, so the smokers are always needed. At the same time, competent specialists in the market are not much, as it seems. Most of them are self-taught who do not have the deep understanding of the mechanisms of promotion, so you will definitely have a chance to find an interesting job with a worthy payment if you truly gain knowledge.

Web developer, design designer and applications - we will take these professions to just as popular because without a site or application, most businesses and specialists also cannot function and look for customers. It is a little more difficult, but at the same time the competition is less, and payment is usually very worthy.

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