One of the three world "gold collections" of Hop varieties is located in the Chuvash region

One of the three world

"Chuvashia is the center of cultivation of hops," said the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Oksana Lout during the working visit to the Republic in 2019.

Chuvashia is the main crown-producing region of Russia, Khmelevod is incorporated into the list of priority areas of development of agricultural production in the republic. There was created the first domestic crown combar and Khmelesushilka; In the region, the Golden Collection of Hop Varieties, which has about 250 samples (such collections in the world of only three), which the Chuvash Research Institute of Agriculture (Chuvashsky Niisch) is supported, according to the Chuvash branch of the FGBU "Center of Agroanalitics".

According to the regional Ministry of Agriculture, in 2020 in agricultural organizations and large peasant (farmer) farms of the Chuvash Republic, 185.1 tons of hops were produced (first place in Russia), which is higher than 2019 by 4.6%. The yield of culture increased by 9.8% and was established at the level of 18.6 c / ha - this is the second result in the history of the Apk region after 2007, noted in the agricultural department of the republic.

Mostly, Khmel is grown in the Yadrinsky municipal district, which accounts for 44.8% of the total regional production. The farms of UMMAR (27.2%), Vurner (21.6%) and Civil (6.4%) districts are also engaged in Khmelevodism.

Chuvash Khmli is inherent in a special fragrance, which is highly appreciated by brewers. Products in a revised form are delivered not only to the brewing plants of different parts of the Russian Federation, but also abroad. Mostly processing products in the region are carried out by OJSC Chuvashkhmelprom and Agroresurs LLC, which produce pressed and granulated hops.

According to the FCS of Russia, in 2020, the exports of crushed hop cones in powdered form or in the form of granules (Code of WID 121020) from the Chuvash Republic amounted to 18.1 tons (173.7 thousand US dollars) - this is 14.3% of All-Russian exports. In terms of the volume of shipped products, Chuvashia ranks third among subjects of the country.

Experts of the Chuvash branch of the "Center of Agroanalitics" noted that Chuvash products are in demand in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. In 2020, the main volume of crushed bumps of hops was taken to Kyrgyzstan: 18.0 tons were delivered there (99.4% of the total Chuvash exports).

Chuvashia does not plan to give up the leading positions for the production and export of hops. In the region approved the concept of cricks in 2020-2025, in accordance with which it is planned to increase the area under the hops on 50 hectares (up to 162 hectares), create 130 new jobs, to introduce accessible domestic techniques for the cultivation of hops, not inferior to foreign analogues .

To a large extent, the development of crown in Chuvashia contributes to state support.

The region provides subsidies from the consolidated budget for reimbursement of the cost of booking of the Khmelnikov and the care of them, for construction and (or) the reconstruction of the Khmelev Steel, to ensure the technical and technological modernization of agricultural production. There is also separate regional support, within the framework of which the cost of production of dried hop-raw, extruded and granulated hop from raw materials of its own production, subject to its implementation: In 2020, 5.1 million rubles were brought to recipients to recipients of subsidies.

For the purpose of development of crowning in the region, scientific and practical activities are conducted. In the Chuvash State Agricultural University (FGBOU in Chuvashsky GAU), a scientific and practical research center in crowning, which works fruitfully on the introduction of resource-saving technologies and machines for the cultivation of hops are created.

Based on the agreement concluded in 2018 between the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, JSC "Central Plant" and FGBOU in the "Chuvashsky Gau", made the first domestic homeleesushilka, which differs from the energy efficiency earlier in the country.

Also, the specialists of Tehmashholding LLC in Chuvashia created the first Russian crunchy combine.

In 2018, when conducting factory tests, specialists noted the high quality of hop cleaning: there are no bumps on the vines, and hops at the output contains a minimum amount of impurities. Due to the low vibration, losses of lupulin grains are reduced, in which alpha acids are contained (the level of alpha acidity is the main quality indicator of hops).

Prepared by the Chuvash branch of the FGBU "Center of Agroanalitics".

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