Lukashenko: the KGB will soon tell you how much Troatil was taken here. And even plastics


Alexander Lukashenko admitted that he was watching "Bilitary". And now their paramount task "Raise people to spring." He stated this, speaking before the employees "Motov,", a fragment of the speech published the "Pool of the First", Tut.BY.

Lukashenko: the KGB will soon tell you how much Troatil was taken here. And even plastics 18124_1

- The State Security Committee will in the near future tell you how much Troatil was delivered. And even the plastic. This is no longer Avtukhovich group. These are new. It is good that they were covered. And there are arsenals. What for? Therefore, they need to break, we need to stand, and we will do it.

Probably, Alexander Lukashenko, speaking of "plastic", meant plastic explosives and mixtures. Sometimes they are mistakenly called "plate" or "plastic". Plastic explosives is usually more expensive, therefore such substances are not used for the production of shells, but use, for example, in a military and engineering business to undermine the structures.

"Group of Avtukhovich"

On the detention of the "Avtukhovich group" on GUBs told on the evening of December 8th. The plot argued that there is a certain grouping, which was led by the Volkovysk entrepreneur and activist Nikolai Avtukhukhovich. Among the detainees are not only men, but also women. And even whole families.

First, the criminal case of SC opened under Part 2 of Art. 218 of the Criminal Code "Intentional damage to the property committed by a hasty way." Then the Prosecutor General's Office retrained him to Part 1 of Art. 289 of the Criminal Code "Act of Terrorism".

The participants of the group were accused of arson of a mistaken home in Volkovysk and several police officers in Volkovysk and Grodno. The investigation considers the azzl terrorist attacks. The KGB introduced the members of the Avtukhovich group to the list of terrorists - as well as anarchists from the "Group of Olinerovich".

Speaking at the All-Belarusian People's Assembly, the head of the KGB Ivan Calor told about the preparing terrorist attacks: they say, the peak of protest activity in Belarus passed, but information coming from various sources, including foreign partners, suggests that "time does not come to relax." "They are ready for everything, for any crimes, do not spare women nor children," he said. Tut.BY.

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