5 rules so that the man "heard" you


Your man is a silent type that does not tell you what he thinks or feels? When you ask him questions and try to force him to reveal, doesn't you think that he is distinguished from you? He confuses what you want from him?

Talking with men can be difficult if you do not understand how they react. Even if your man is talking, he still can share his thoughts, feelings or sentiments that have some deep meaning. Want to know five secrets in how to talk with a man?

5 rules so that the man

You can not talk with men just like with women

Women are almost always ready to communicate. If you woke your girlfriend at three o'clock in the morning to tell her the details of your quarrel with a guy, she will be able to tune in to what you say in about five seconds. And on the contrary, if you wake up your boyfriend to tell him anything important, it will be equivalent to the bite of bee. It will be shocked, confused and slightly angry. He will need twenty minutes to get together and hear what you say.

Do not join the conversation with men when they are not in the mood. Give them the opportunity and time to listen to you. They want to be near you and give you what you need, but you should understand that they need time to focus on a conversation, and a clear and definite understanding of what you want from them.

Men in centuries were programmed to take care of the family

When you contact him with any complaint, even if you cry just because your hair was painted in green, and not in bright, it unconsciously thinks that it is his fault. If a man feels that he cares about you badly (and complaints turn into the idea that you are bad for you), then he is experiencing a huge psychological discomfort. He perceives your problem as a defeat.

You do not need to misunderstand a silent man or underestimate what you mean for him. He is very vulnerable to you.

Unlike women, men do not survive sincere wounds

Who cares more about his beloved, man or woman? If you answer that this is a man, you will be right. When a man feels silence in a relationship, he thinks everything is in order. If a woman does not speak, she most likely plans to leave. Only half of men in disadvantaged relationships know that there is a problem. The rest believe that they did not expect a break.

You give the meaning of life to your man. You are more important for him than any of you understand. Be careful with your words.

Men have better to those who do some kind of dealing with them.

Women get a strong charge from communication. Men will never experience such pleasure if they talk to someone. They often feel that words interfere with feeling the moment. Men have a tide of good feelings when they do something or do physical exercises. They also love to share their classes with a beloved woman.

Find at least one lesson you like to both, and make it together. It will strengthen your relationship and give him a sense of success.

Men love order

A man loves order. Changing the schedule, plans, or even the situation in the house frustrating it. He wants his time to be free from turmoil, so that he could focus and concentrate at work, and, ultimately, on the family.

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