Saratov deputy prepared an appeal to Mishoustin on sites for large families. The project is stuck in instances

Saratov deputy prepared an appeal to Mishoustin on sites for large families. The project is stuck in instances 18106_1
Deputy of the Saratov Oblastum Zinaida Samsonova Photo Nick Lukhminsky

The deputy of the Saratov region from "Fair Russia" Zinaida Samsonov prepared an appeal to the Russian premiere Mikhail Mishustina on providing infrastructure of land plots intended for large families of the region. However, the project of circulation will not fall to the discussion even in the profile committee, which the deputy saw delaying the time to solve the issue. This problem today, February 10, at a meeting of the Committee on Housing, Construction and Communal Policy, raised a deputy.

The chapter of the Committee Sergey Gladkov, opening the meeting, announced that Samsonoy's address was sent to the Ministry of Justice to obtain a conclusion. After that, it will be reviewed on the Committee.

"Questions remained and remained. It was enough time to get all the conclusions, "did not agree with the chairman of Samsonov.

She recalled that the chairman of the Saratov government Roman Busargin had already given a positive conclusion on appeal. The legal administration of the Obloba gave comments on the project, for the month, Samsonova's lawyers took off all comments.

Also, the deputy stressed that eight years passed with the release of the Presidential Decree, prescribing to extradite large families with sections for construction. The right to receive a plot in the Saratov region has 23 thousand families, there are nine thousand families in the queue. In the villages of Sparobyovka and Latukhino Saratov Communication to intended for issuing sites were not supplied. In 2020, only 203 plots allocated throughout the region. The question, as Samsonov emphasized, is not abandoned, but overripe.

"I do not think that our legal management is incompetent. I have a staff of lawyers, I have competent lawyers. The Ministry of Justice is not at what. The Ministry of Justice is needed only to delay the solution of this issue, and you do not convince me of another, "the deputy said.

The Chairman of the Committee urged not to translate the issue into a political plane.

"It is unlikely that there is a person who would be against providing large families in sections. From respect to your deputy I will face: do not look for any kind of ones in these issues. There is a certain procedure, "answered smooth.

He assured that in two weeks the conclusion will be ready. Samsonov agreed to wait two weeks, but emphasized that he did not agree with the tightening of the deadlines.

"It is clear why the question of Zinaida Mikhailovna is not taken out. The city is simply not able to do this, "Alexander Anidalov commented on the Communist Party from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, provoking the dispute on elevated colors.

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