Babarico from the SIZO KGB gave an interview: in the country - the war of the junta against the part of the people


Babarico from the SIZO KGB gave an interview: in the country - the war of the junta against the part of the people 18091_1

The political prisoner Victor Babarico in an interview with the SIZO KGB for Deutsche Welle said that in Belarus there is a war of the power tip, based on the power unit, against the part of the people.

He, speaking of the situation in the country, noted that the majority of news receives from the Belarusian state television, "and its viewing can be equated to moral torture."

He says, as before the election, there is no mass repression in Belarus.

Babarico states: "But even in this situation, I can not say that what happens in our country cannot be called mass repressions, - specifying, - in fact, this is the war of the power tip, based on the military-power unit, and therefore junta, against the part of their people, "Added," and it doesn't even matter what kind of quantity this part is - by a majority or not, "continued," the worst thing that she concerns all the population layers. "

This war, as a politician caution, can turn into civil. According to Babarico, it can push 2 points to this: "First, a hurry subsidence under its actions of the legislative base through toughening punishment for the simplest expression of opinion - continues - and secondly, involvement in the struggle of a simple civilian people (officials, state-owned employees, employees of utilities and so on) forced to carry out orders and duties, in this way in a collision with the same citizens of the country. "

Politician reminds that individual responsibility for their actions will still remain. With that, this is not so much criminal prosecution, how much assessment of future generations.

Babarico says: "In life, he did not meet a single person proud of the ancestors who participated in violence against ordinary people."

He proposes to evaluate events in the country not as a struggle against the regime A.G. Lukashenko, and how the struggle "for a new Belarus, for the best person, for the future happy life is not only our, but also future generations."

Answering the question why for 6 months they could not change power in the country, he says that the regime is far from one person, but "a set of people who are ready to live in the atmosphere of lies and forced helplessness."

Babigo declares: "This is an analogue of voluntary personal slavery, which does not die when the slave owner disappears, - specifying, - the person does not become free on the orders or permission from above."

He says that no one expected that in the center of Europe in the XXI century, the authorities will be so hard to respond to such universal values ​​as the right to truth, self-esteem, peaceful protest. Therefore, Belarusians are now experiencing post-trap shock.

According to the ex-applicant for the presidential post, the further development of the situation is possible only by 2 options. Either it will be a new RB, economically and politically independent, or the country will actually cease its independent existence, simply by entering the orbit of someone else's "world".

Babarico stated: "It will be necessary to choose one of these roads in the near future - the economy will not allow a long condition for a long time," continued, "once it was said very accurately:" Politics is a concentrated expression of the economy, "specifying - so the extreme point is 2025, but I would like to think that this is a fantastic long time, - and stated, - for the first option. "

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