Does the child sleep with her pet or it is dangerous


Many Moms are mowing idylls between their pets and children. Isn't it nice when a small child lies in an embrace with a cat or a dog? But still this situation requires your attention.

Many families fully assume that their favorite pets sleep with them in bed and even allow them to be in one bed with children not only adults, but also with babies. Is it safe? Let's try to figure out together.

Does the child sleep with her pet or it is dangerous 18087_1

Allergy - an evil enemy

If you or the child has an allergy to animal wool, then it is categorically forbidden to let pets in bed. The fact is that allergies do not cause wool itself, but the proteins of dandruff in your cat or dog. They have one property - stickiness. Dandruff sticks across the room, including on the bed, thereby even getting rid of the animal, a person may still have to suffer allergies for a long time.By the way, many assure that animals with short hair are completely safe for allergies. But doctors say that any animal has dandruff, it means that the allergy will still manifest themselves.

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Hygiene - important factor

The difference is tangible if your home lives a homemade cat and street. If a homemade cat can still be allowed to climb on the sofa, then with street cats everything is much more complicated. Paws, wool, muzzle - all in street mud, also your favorite can bring home fleas, parasites and ticks. Naturally, such a rampant lifestyle of the animal contradicts the concept of hygiene.

Does the child sleep with her pet or it is dangerous 18087_2

Rules of the day of the animal

Dogs, and especially cats love to walk at night. They are laid by nature at night to hunt, and in the afternoon. Such a peculiarity of the pet can spoil your child's sleep.

When to take a pet home

The child up to a year is better not to be near the animals. The fact is that small children, especially up to three months, are not able to remove heavy pets from themselves, it can lead to sad consequences. Therefore, it is better to limit the passage of the animal, if there is still at home, in the baby's room. Pets are better than 7 years of your child, it is at this age that children are more responsible.

Does the child sleep with her pet or it is dangerous 18087_3

Interesting: Baby and Pets: Pros and Cons

Pets also need a doctor

Many take a cat or dog and do not think at all about treatment, vaccinations and surveys at the veterinarian. If you have taken the animal from the street, then the first thing you need to take it into a vetclinic. When an adult animal begins to show symptoms of the disease (diarrhea, cough, vomiting, rash), urgently need to consult a doctor and prohibit the animal to sleep next to you.

We do not know what our pets think

Cute and such a favorite Barsik at any time can very bite, scratch if you scare it. And the cheerful bug suddenly suddenly sank hands. Animals do not know how to speak, so they always need to be extremely careful. Little children sometimes may not make a nurse painfully painfully, and he will bite in their defense so that he will be very difficult to heal the wound.

Does the child sleep with her pet or it is dangerous 18087_4

When you decide to let pets in your bed, you need to think about everything well and evaluate all the risks, then not to scold in anything in no clear pet.

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