Things to do in traffic: 8 useful ideas from "He"

Things to do in traffic: 8 useful ideas from

Already tomorrow, February 1, in Orel will close the Red Bridge for repairs. And, if you remember the period when the city of Friendship Bridge was blocked in the city, it led to large traffic jams and disturbances from motorists. But after all, it is nervous, angry and how in vain to curse the perpetrators of the congestion - so-so entertainment. Therefore, the "Orlov news" collected classes that would help to reconcile with the inevitable cougis after the closure of the Red Bridge and spend time in traffic jams with pleasure and benefit.

  1. Listen to podcasts

Remember the old good radio programs, where the leaders discussed pressing topics, periodically distracted by stories from life? Podcasts are approximately the same. New editions now appear faster than mushrooms after the rain: there are also conversational, and thematic. Podcasts are ideal as background support for anything, in particular, and then, while you are standing in traffic. If you are still not in the club lovers of such a format, it's time to at least try and understand why this all has become so popular.

  1. Turn on audiobook

You are inconvenient to read the book in the car, and some of this and it also points to all. But you can replace the usual book to audiobook. This excellent solution is pleasant and with benefit to spend time in the jam.

  1. Mouse over the cell phone

Start with photos. Set up copying pictures to the cloud so that they do not occupy the device. Recover the old images and mercilessly remove duplicate and blurred. Further go to applications and games. Perhaps some of them are kept just in case, but if over the past six months they never opened them, it is unlikely that this case will ever come. Boldly remove everything you do not use, and instead of useless programs, install those that can be useful at any time.

  1. Call mom

We argue, you always have no time for it, and every conversation comes down to impatient: "Yes, yes, I have everything, for now?" It is not necessary for the parents after all I want to share your problems and find out what happens in your life. There is nowhere to hurry in traffic, so you can chat with relatives.

  1. Spend general cleaning in the cabin

Collect all the trash in one package, wipe the dashboard with a wet cloth, drive a revision in the handbag and wallet, throw away old checks.

  1. Meditate

The plug is an ideal place to train the concentration and skill at the right moment to deduct from all worldly. Sit down in the lotus pose and no mantra do not need, you can meditate even in a taxi or bus. Straighten your back, sit comfortably, put your hands on your knees and close your eyes. Concentrate on breathing and follow how air passes through the nostrils and leaves the body in exhalation. When we relax, at the expense of "times" inhale, hold your breath, take up to four and slowly exhale. Breathe in this way at least five minutes.

  1. Make a plan for a day

If the plug is a morning, then a great solution will make a detailed plan for the whole day. It will save time in the future, and will also help systematically without any bustle of doing important things during the day. In addition, you can prepare for some important meeting and refine your speech.

  1. Find out where salary goes

Go to the bank's mobile app and explore the cost statistics recently. All spending there are divided into categories: you can immediately see how much money you left in supermarkets this month, and how much went to buy clothes and gathering in a cafe. It may turn out that the coffee you buy every morning on the way to work, pierces a decent hole in the budget. If you prefer to pay exclusively with cash, collect checks. Install the application to control the costs and methodically make all spending there. Ideally, you should have at least 10-15% of the previous one by the next salary.

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