The fruits of the raspberry dry and showered. Ways to keep the crop


Good afternoon, my reader. Raspberries of raspberries do not belong to capricious and demanding plants. However, at the height of the season, the berries suddenly begin to dying and fall. It is required to identify the cause of the problem and eliminate it, otherwise you can stay without a crop and next season.

The fruits of the raspberry dry and showered. Ways to keep the crop 1807_1
The fruits of the raspberry dry and showered. Ways to preserve the harvest of Maria Verbilkova

Obvious reasons

  • Improper fertilization (nitrogen fasting);
  • insufficient watering;
  • Intensive loosening of the soil at which the roots are damaged.

How to make mistakes

  • Acquire high-quality seedlings;
  • cut the bushes;
  • provide watering, making fertilizers;
  • Mulch the soil.
Let us dwell on the most common diseases.

Viral chlorosis

With damage to chlorosis, the mechanisms of formation of chlorophyll are disturbed, which causes a decrease in photosynthesis.

If chlorosis is not viral nature, then the reason for the death of the leaves in the shortage of trace elements or bad weather. With viral infection, plants are affected by the Raspberry vein chlorosis virus.

Filtering leaves entails exhaustion and dying berries. Due to insufficient photosynthesis, berries do not get moisture and nutrients and tremendous.

The fruits of the raspberry dry and showered. Ways to keep the crop 1807_2
The fruits of the raspberry dry and showered. Ways to preserve the harvest of Maria Verbilkova


Distributors of chlorosis TLL and ticks. You can infect a plant by having vaccinated with sick shoots or using an infected tool. The virus is contained in the juice of affected plants.

How to defeat chlorosis infection is not viral origin, then save the plants can be made by the necessary fertilizers to the soil, using non-rooting feed and injections of fertilizer in the Stam or branches.

In case of infectious chlorosis, plants will have to destroy.


Prevention is carried out against ticks and tweces. Spray the drugs "Fufanon Nova", "Inta-Vira", etc.

Prevention can be considered disembarking varieties resistant to chlorose: Kolkhoznitsa, Russian Harvest, Cornish Victoria.

The fruits of the raspberry dry and showered. Ways to keep the crop 1807_3
The fruits of the raspberry dry and showered. Ways to preserve the harvest of Maria Verbilkova

Stay without harvesting sweet and fragrant berries is insulting to any gardener. Let's talk about the struggle and prevention of raspberry infectious lesions.


Mosaic is the general name of the diseases causing the appearance of spots on the leaves. The affected plants weaken, shoots are pulled, and the berries become small or dry.

All the same waves and pliers are transferred, and it falls into plants through damage to the crust.

Symptomy leaves in the area of ​​residences appear bright and dark yellow spots, which over time begin to perform above the surface of the sheet. Leaves thin and dry out.

How to defeat infective plants destroy.

Preventive processing from Tly and tick. Disembarking healthy seedlings. Processing with the preparation of "Pentafag" every 8-12 days.


A fungal infection living in the soil affecting young shoots and plants with root damage. The fungus is most active if the season was wet, with hot days and cold nights.

The symptom of the middle of the summer, the leaves begin to turn yellow and wreck, the first is suffering the roar part. The leaves are yellow from the edges to the center, cracks appear on the cortex, berries dry out.

How to defeat infection by healthy plants, do not use the landing of the garden, where the infection with a verticillosis was observed.


Viral infection. Infection comes from twi and ticks, as well as from infected plants and tools.

Symptops are thickened and shortening, the leaves become smaller and twisted. The fruits dries and fall, and the preserved becomes sour, minor.

How to defeat the infection that infected with curlyness will inevitably die for 2-4 years. They are burned. For the prevention of the plant, they are treated from Tsley and tongs with drugs "Abiga Peak", "Sorrow", "Fufanon-Nova".

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