A device that will not let you forget your child in the car


Since 1998, 873 children died only in the United States after they were left in the car shot from the sun. This happens from the sluggishness, and from the cutting, but now it has an opportunity to prevent it. The system for children's car seats TATA will warn the driver if he accidentally left the child in the car.

"This is not a conversation about whether you are a good parent or not. It's just a fact that we live life, complete stress and distracting factors," said the head of the B2C marketing department of the Italian company FILO Rudolph Yantos.

The system includes a small rug for a children's chair, which is connected via Bluetooth to send warnings to the phone. The rug feels if the child sits in a chair, but the parent phone left the zone. It sends a warning after three minutes with sound alert, four minutes later - with a phone call and seven minutes later - with a phone call to user contacts by emergency situations. The rug can be washed, and for its nutrition, flat round clock batteries are used, which serve until the year.

Last year, FILO sold 1 million such devices in Italy, after Italy became the first country in the world, where the law was adopted, obliging all drivers to have an alarm device on the automobile seat, which prevents leaving juveniles in cars.

A device that will not let you forget your child in the car 18052_1

It is expected that this device will appear in a number of countries at the end of 2021. True, for the USA, since in some states it is not allowed to post anything between the children's and automotive seats, Filo also developed a lining that is attached to the seat belt. It uses the same technology, determining through clothes, is a child in a chair. The company also considers the possibility of direct integration of its technology with car seat manufacturers.

The cost of the TATA child security system is $ 60 per lining on a belt or a seed rug and will be sold as through such distributors as Amazon, as well as through its own website.

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