Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown in May right into open ground


    Good afternoon, my reader. Annual landing of annual colors through seedlings will take too much time and effort from gardeners. However, it is easy to solve this problem if you choose unpretentious cold-resistant cultures that can be sown directly into the ground in late April - early May.

    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown in May right into open ground 18049_1
    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown directly in the open soil

    Beautiful gypsophila (photos from

    The field plant (80-100 cm), which was previously considered to be weary grass, took place among spectacular annual sites sitting in mixed landings on flowerbeds and Moorish lawns.

    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown in May right into open ground 18049_2
    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown directly in the open soil

    Agrostemma (photo with

    Sleeper-pink 5 cm diameter buds are revealed in the middle of summer, flowering continues for 1.5-2 months.

    Half-resistant (up to 1.5 m) herbaceous annual looks effectively in solites (single landings). Since ancient times, Amarant is grown by some peoples as a food or aft culture.

    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown in May right into open ground 18049_3
    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown directly in the open soil

    Amaranth (photos with

    However, domestic daches belong to it as a decorative plant. Moreover, some species of schirpers have a very bright color of leaves and large-shaped inflorescences.

    Spectacular drummer, resembling a field chamomile, resistantly tolerates a sharp cooling, summer heat and drought. The plant is seeded in an open ground in late April or in early May.

    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown in May right into open ground 18049_4
    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown directly in the open soil

    Ammobium Winged (photos from

    Small (snow-white) terry buds with a high yellow core scatter in early July. The flowering process continues to the most frosts. Amplifted ammobium boutons are used to compile winter bouquets (compositions).

    The heat and light-affilome plant prefers open areas with light sand soil and moderate watering. Widely empty chips of a decorative series grow very quickly.

    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown in May right into open ground 18049_5
    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown directly in the open soil

    Beydens (photos from

    The dense dark green crown is completely covered with bright yellow painting flowers at the end of the summer - early autumn. The plant with long, thin shoots are often used for growing in containers, vases, suspended porridge.

    A spectacular herbaceous plant is in domestic gardening for more than a dozen years. Culture with gentle-green carved leaves and high pyramidal inflorescences looks great both in soliter and in group landings.

    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown in May right into open ground 18049_6
    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown directly in the open soil

    Dolphinium (photos from

    Collected from a variety of buds, the delphinium inflorescences are painted in various shades: white, gentle pink, sky blue, lilac, crimson, purple. Especially the luxurious bushes of the bellyness look from mid-summer until the end of September - at this time there is a period of flowering.

    The dwarf culture in the middle of the summer is abundantly covered by bright flowers of different shades: lavender, gentle blue, bright pink, etc.

    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown in May right into open ground 18049_7
    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown directly in the open soil

    WWW.PLANTARIUM.RU photo from

    Lush bushes are not exceeded in a height of 30 cm. Thanks to compactness, the plant is used as a container (potted) culture.

    A bright annual drummer is easy to grow straight sowing into the ground. Unpretentious, cold-resistant plant begins to bloom in the second half of summer.

    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown in May right into open ground 18049_8
    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown directly in the open soil

    Helichrum (photo with

    Helicurizum buds are sensitive to weather changes: they fold before the rain, and in clear days - again bloom. Machion flowers on long stems look spectacularly in dry (winter) bouquets.

    Modest bustard of gypsophila during flowering period resembles an air cloud. The height of the plant reaches 50-80 cm. Crown consists of subtle, intertwined shoots and very small buds.

    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown in May right into open ground 18049_9
    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown directly in the open soil

    Gypsophila (photos from

    The plant looks attractive in mixed bouquets, mixlers and rockers. Unpretentious perennials are also used for the design of the Alpine slides. The cold-resistant plant blooms throughout the season.

    This flower will become a decent decoration of any flower. In addition, Godrodium looks great in the cut form (in bouquets). The spectacular culture is sown in the soil in May so that its buds revealed in the middle of summer and bloomed to the most autumn frosts.

    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown in May right into open ground 18049_10
    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown directly in the open soil

    Year (photos from

    Not a very high plant (30-50 cm) has become popular thanks to lush inflorescences from large bright raspberry buds or white-pink color. Culture prefers loose, fertile, moderately wet soil and good lighting.

    Delicate flower painted in monophonic or contrasting shades, outwardly resembles a garden chamomile. The cultivation of caps of seeds from seed does not cause special hassle. Grown seedlings necessarily thin so that the bushes branched well.

    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown in May right into open ground 18049_11
    Bright, cold-resistant: Description of colors that are sown directly in the open soil

    Dorfoothek (photos with

    Low culture (about 40-50 cm) can even grow on the stony ground. Its powerful root system will provide the flower with the necessary moisture and nutrients.

    High and squat, bright and fragrant, unpretentious and cold-resistant plants will decorate the flower beds throughout the season. A wide selection of cultures will allow annually to diversify the design of flower beds.

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