The Prosecutor General's Office proposed for the order: the punishment for insulting close representatives of the authorities, the criminal case for false information about the economic situation of the country and much more

The Prosecutor General's Office proposed for the order: the punishment for insulting close representatives of the authorities, the criminal case for false information about the economic situation of the country and much more 18014_1

"In pursuant to the instructions of the head of state, the General Prosecutor's Office ... prepared a new version of the Law of the Republic of Belarus" On Countessing Extremism ", which will allow the work of law enforcement and other bodies a more systematic and focused nature," the press service reports.

Next, the text of the press release.

"In it, the authorities of the internal affairs and state security are given the authority to recognize the groups of citizens by extremist formations and prohibiting their activities.

According to the project, the prosecutor, state security and internal affairs bodies will be right when identifying signs of extremist actions to make the prescriptions by founders and managers of organizations, individual entrepreneurs in the absence of grounds for bringing them to criminal liability.

Failure to comply with such requirements, as well as re-issued a prescription during the year - grounds for the elimination of the organization, termination of the activities of the IP.

At the same time, cases of recognition of the organization of the extremist and its liquidation will be considered by the court of first instance in a shortened time limit: up to one month from the date of acceptance of the application.

At the same time, the founders and participants of extremist organizations are provided for the ban for 5 years to establish new organizations and the media.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs will conduct lists of organizations, formations, individual entrepreneurs and citizens involved in extremist activities.

Citizens convicted of crimes related to extremism will be included in this list and are deprived of the right to occupy certain types of activities, for example, conjugate with the turnover of narcotic drugs, weapons and ammunition, pedagogical, publishing. Their financial operations will be subject to special control.

Foreign citizens and stateless persons who fell into such a list will be prohibited from entering the territory of the country, and for the citizens of Belarus, this circumstance will become the basis for the loss of acquired citizenship.

The concept of "extremist materials" is expanded: not only information products, but also symbolism, attributes intended for extremist activities and its propaganda will be attributed to them.

The draft law on amending the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On the Mass Media" law provides for the right of the Prosecutor General, Prosecutors of the Areas, the city of Minsk to limit access to the Internet resource and the network publishing, through which the information is distributed to the promotion of war, extremist activities or containing calls To such activities, as well as other information, the spread of which is to harm the national interests of Belarus.

The Labor Code will establish an unconditional ban on the nomination of political requirements when carrying out a strike, and the appropriate court decision is to be subject to immediate execution.

Expanded grounds for increasing criminal liability for extremist manifestations. Especially for those who are accompanied by violence or the threat to its application to the police officers, officials when they are fulfilled by their duties, other persons performing public debt.

There is a strengthening of responsibility for the resistance to the staff of the ATS and persons guarding the public order, the use of violence against them.

In addition, the responsibility will be imposed for public insult to close representative of power.

It has been proposed to punish criminal procedure for illegal collection or disseminating information on privacy or personal data of citizens, as well as to introduce increased responsibility for such actions regarding the person or its loved ones in connection with the exercise of official activity or the fulfillment of public debt.

It is also intended to criminalize a repeated violation of the procedure for organizing and conducting mass events.

For the first time, responsibility for such manifestations of extremism, as participation in the extremist formation, financing extremist activities, recruitment, training and preparing the person to participate in these activities.

It was proposed to establish criminal liability for the dissemination of obviously false information about the political, economic, social, military or international state of Belarus, the legal status of citizens, the activities of state and management bodies, discrediting Belarus, if such actions are committed in any public speech, including media and platforms in Internet.

The project also includes criminal liability for calls for violation of the country's territorial integrity.

It is proposed to be held accountable and for the dissemination of prohibited information of the owners of Internet resources that are not the media.

Parliament together with the General Prosecutor's Office also developed the draft law of the Republic of Belarus "On the prevention of the rehabilitation of Nazism". It identifies the principles and mechanisms to counteract the rehabilitation of Nazism, the heroization of the Nazi criminals and their accomplices, preventive measures to prevent such actions are discussed in strengthening responsibility for such actions.

Obviously, the proposed measures will give law enforcement agencies with new tools in the fight against extremism, will ensure public security, will contribute to the prevention of offenses and crimes, maintaining law enforcement in society. "

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