"I am a mother's bad child": the history of one motherhood


People who tell the anecdotes about the boy Lovoch, usually do not think at all about what it is like to raise such a child.

How so - constantly be on guard, follow him every second of your life, be afraid to relax and cover your eyes? I know. I am a mother's mother. My child is the embodiment of the famous character of jokes, Junior from a "hard child", Kevin from "one house". Only they are all fictional, and my Sasha is real.

From an angel to punish

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Initially, nothing foreshadowed that such a child would grow with us. From the maternity hospital, I brought a cute crumb, who quickly increased his cheeks and got a plump leg and handles. The whole family and friends were dying - the baby as if he had gone from the pages of the magazine. If I had not wing from a hormonal cocktail, I would remember that world cinema was immediately warned us: the more the baby looks like an angel, the more fun with him will live.

Sasha grew hypervillery. He crawled in 5 months, and went to 8. Here I have not already known peace since then. A little more time passed - and his mouth was closed. Son all the time something has not thought about.

At first, we did not particularly pay attention to his hooligan antics - grows. But at the stage of the crawl, he turned everything in the house. When I went, I quickly found out that there are no inaccessible places. There are hard to reach. But the tricky baby is able to solve such funny problems in seconds. It was not interesting to sit at the site, it was not interested in his toys. This child moved exclusively by running, periodically crashed into the walls, unworn rooted and fled on. In the morning, as an easy workout, it was possible to turn the entire room and hand out indoor plants from the pots.

However, these were flowers. Berries came simultaneously with socialization.

How we stopped calling

Once we came to visit and, while I had a hand soap, Sasha poured the contents of the shop of a shopping cat in a crook box, designed for the things of a single-month baby.

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In the apartment of friends, he pulled out a hidden first aid kit and poured the bottle of greenk on himself, the dog of the breed of Corge and a snow-white carpet in a freshly surmounted living room.

Once upon a house, he wanted to the toilet and instead of telling me about it, found the iron in the master bedroom and wrote right there. In the tank where water is poured for sipping. It would even have gone from his hands, but my girlfriend decided to stroke the linen wipes for the festive table. The resistant smell of ammonia spilled around the room.

- What is that? - the hostess was surprised.

- And this is me! - Gondo said Sasha.

More we were not called there.

Other owners also had a dog under distribution. Our son has upgraded by master children, and they all together, very friendly painted the animal in the indelible markers. It turned out a living sample of avant-garde art. Owners just for some reason were not delighted.

Someone from modern writers joked that his child wrote to the pool with balls in IKEA. So Sasha, nothing about such a gorgeous idea is not knowing, happily embodied it. The truth is not in the store, but in the children's entertainment complex during the celebration of the Birthday of the Son of Friends. In the pool with balls at that moment, the ten children were sitting.

I wanted to fall through the earth

But it was worse when he looked at the animator to another holiday and loudly described everything seen. It sounded like this:

- Mom, why aunt without panties? She has no money? Let's give her money on panties! Or give her yours, you have a lot!

I tried to fall through the earth, but it did not work out. My feelings perfectly divided the actress that came to the holiday without underwear.

The next time Sasha Tikhonechko opened all the gifts of a small birthday girl and in some of them put down the houses spilled out of pots.

- Gifts are more pleasant to get gifts, "he explained in response to my questions.

For children's birthdays, we also stopped inviting us.

Pride and shame of kindergarten

See also: "We will have a weather! Can I eat, and you somehow yourself? " - How mom wanted one, and got two

"You see," the teacher explained diplomaticly to me. - Sasha is a very smart boy. He is largely ahead of other children. But, as if softer to put it, his ideas ... We never know what he will come to his mind. Just he sat and painted in the album, and after a second already paints the wall. And talk to your grandmother, an obstetrician-gynecologist. Let smaller tell the grandchild about his work. And then he suggested to play "childbirth" and told them all the details of this process. Other parents were very unhappy.

I usually go from kindergarten and tightly hold my child by hand. Otherwise, he jumps into the puddle or quickly throws the stone into the nearest car. I ascertain how the day passed, I ask what he was guided when he told in the group where children are taken from. Sasha explains that he himself does not know what thought it comes to him. But when she comes, he does not think for a long time. Immediately embodies.

To sleep after lunch it is boring, so he praises the alphabet on the wall in advance of a pansk. Food in kindergarten is not delicious, but it is interesting to play it. And throw in the neighbors - also fun.

Drop the subpoint under the fence while Sasha's walk also decided spontaneously. Digid every day a whole week. And even would accomplish the escape, if not vigilant passersby, who noticed and told the guard at the sickness of the garden.

But the Sasha drawings always recognize the best. It fulfills all the tasks. On matinees and sings, and dances, and reads poems.

"Sometimes I want you to transfer it to another garden," the teacher confessed somehow, giving me a child. - But he is so kind and talented. Such children remember the years after the release.

Sasha - the threat to property

During the first years of his life, Sasha broke in the house everything so that it was possible. My nerves were especially injured.

- It is necessary, what a heavy child! - Commented by both grandmothers. - None of ours was so!

They did not really want to take him to visit him. I tried a couple of times, but the case ended with antidepressants and repair. Since then, we decided that they would love at a distance.

For some birthday, his son gave him just a bunch of toys. All of them he disassembled to the smallest cogs for a short time that guests sat at the table. Everyone somehow was upset, and I sincerely rejoiced. The child was busy approximately half an hour and everyone could eat. Even me! The perfect holiday turned out.

With Sasha, it is impossible to be distracted by your own food and hygiene. I, even from the soul, usually operate and demand him to give me a voice. And hot tea drank for the last time a long time ago. If drinks, then only cooled - never know when someone sneaks them from the table.

Once, when the son was still small, I had the naivety to invite a girlfriend. While I met her, he used a rare porcelain porcite as a pot, which I got from my grandmother and keeping for special occasions. Probably Sasha decided that it was the starry hour.

Your son is completely healthy.

"Hyperactive child" speaks about our son all familiar.

- Maybe it really is something wrong with him? - I thought.

And Sasha led to doctors. And then to psychologists. And then to all sorts of psychotherapists. It turned out that from a medical point of view our son is completely healthy. Psychologists also did not find deviations. But in vain began to advise sand therapy, art therapy, talentherapy ... We went everywhere, I liked the child everywhere. He did not feel calmer.

- Just he has badly brought up, "someone from the representatives of the family of the family has staged a" diagnosis ".

I became quite sad. I did everything to explain to Sasha, as you need to behave. If he is thinking about a minute, he even decently behaves. The problem is that he ponders his ideas very rarely. But embodies instantly.

Once I read him the book of Astrid Lindgren about the same mischievous boy Emil from the village of Lenneberg. When he worked something, he was sent to the wood barn shed and there he cut out funny men from the tree. I decided to adopt experience. I began to plant Sasha for drawing after each Skoda.

Folders with drawings in half a year flooded our house. I began to photograph masterpieces and make photo books with them. A year later, they were busy several shelves. And Sasha was taken to art school without exams. In the group, he was the only preschooler.

For all a terrible child, and for me - a person who has changed my life

Sometimes I am very suffering from the fact that my son is like. He is not happy to be visited and on the playground. And grandmothers try to stay away. And only the lazy did not suggest any serious diagnosis. For all, he is a problem. And we are the unfortunate parents of this very problem.

Only I do not think of life without my child. That which is what it is. Sasha is a decisive, bold, smart and purposeful. There is nothing impossible for him. He acts every second of his life. Such calm and indecisive parents could not get this boy. But here it is our whole.

Therefore, it's a shame when someone puts the diagnoses of my son on the move. He was born in our family, and he fits perfectly to her.

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