Why should you know me: Founder of the architectural bureau Try Daniel Kuznetsov

Why should you know me: Founder of the architectural bureau Try Daniel Kuznetsov 17991_1

In the third grade, comics were brought to the school library. It seems they were rubles for thirty.

My friends and we threaten the comic about a spider man, and he impressed me so much that in a week I was already painted with colored handles my first comic. Since then, I have not thought of myself without drawing, it became part of me. I had a bunch of albums greeting comic characters. Seeing my passion for creativity, which has survived to the elder school, parents offered me to learn from the architect. It seemed to me an excellent idea, because architects draw a lot.

After two year preparation, I went at once in three universities: in Markhi, University of Geodesy and Cartography (Miigaik) and University of Land Management (GUZ). Each university had three entrance exams: drawing and two drawings. Thus, for one month I passed nine exams. One day there were two exams, so I drew a still life in Miigaik, grabbed a sandwich in the nearest Starbakse and ran to the GUZ to fight the cap. And on the day of the exam on the composition in the marchs, there was a thirty-degree heat, and Paper raised from moisture, and her pencil was premented. It was one another month, but as a result, I went through all three universities.

With my future partners in Try Philip and Nikita, I met in the first year of Marha. The third year decided that in the future we will create our company. In fact, these are no high ambitions. Probably, I just want to manage my life myself. And when you work for hiring, you manage the employer.

I worked in many places: in fashionable bureaus and in giant construction companies. And this versatile experience that I got is very helping me now, because when you have my own bureau, you need to understand all questions yourself.

In parallel with the main work, I and Nikita and Nikita did projects on the perspective, and then they sent them to everyone who, in our opinion, they could be interesting. It was very hard: first you fuck residential complexes up to eight in the evening (in architectural companies it is not accepted to leave on time), then you go home and work on our project to the night, despite the fact that the main work has exhausted by itself. Also on weekends: During the year, Saturday has always been a working day. In such a grueling mode, we have made a project that I noticed the Moscow Museum and which later became known as the "snowmad" in "Charger".

Initially, it was a project of an unusual summer recreation area. While the Museum of Moscow and I have been looking for a construction investment, winter has come. Representative of the Department of Culture was reached upon us and said that they really like the project and need to be adapted to two new circumstances: for the winter and to "charge" - and build before the New Year. The idea seemed impossible, but it was a step towards our dream - creating a business. I'll ever write about this book. The main thing is that we made a pavilion on time and successfully ensured his work.

Now we have a wide variety of projects. We make design of offices for large companies, a design of several apartments, a summer cinema for the "Caro film" network. And we continue to make projects for the future. First of all, this is the project "District Rates". This is our attempt to create new centers of attraction of people in the sleeping areas, add these areas of individuality and soulfulness.

And then it remains only to work and become better with each project, as far as possible to improve the world around yourself. One of the advantages of my profession is that it allows. So gradually, project for the project, will become the world-famous bureau. Maybe the monograph is published in different languages. That would be cool.

Photo: Daniel Ovchinnikov

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