Two harvest for one season: 7 secrets of the July sowing of cucumbers


Good afternoon, my reader. It is difficult to imagine the Russian garden without cucumbers. They are put on almost everyone who considers themselves a garden. Culture unpretentious, special care seems to not require. One bad thing is fruits relatively short time: July passed, and there is no cucumbers. But it turns out that it is possible to plant them twice per season. For example, in the middle of summer. Before his end, they will have time to fond and give a harvest again. True, to achieve this, you need to know several country secrets.

Two harvest for one season: 7 secrets of the July sowing of cucumbers 17985_1
Two harvest in one season: 7 secrets of the July sowing of Cucumbers Maria Verbilkova

Cucumbers. (Photo used by standard license ©

Best of the sowing will suit seeds-hybrids. When they germinate and bushes bloom, they will not be in pollination insects. In addition, many of the hybrid varieties are specifically derived for landing in the regions with a cold climate. Such plants are resistant to temperature differences, which in the late summer are not uncommon, and can be fruit up to the first frosts. Such sorts of cucumbers are, for example:

  • Courage;
  • Surprise;
  • Trump card;
  • PALH;
  • Marina Grove;
  • Buyan.

Or here's even a variety with such a "cold autumn" name like May.

Their first stage is to harde seeds. To do this, they should be poured on a moisturized fabric and put on the refrigerator for two days. Then they are desirable to soak half a day in the "Uniflor Micro" agent so that they will be nailed by the necessary microelements. The fact that everything is done correctly, it will be possible to judge the appearance of seeds - they must break into a slightly.

It can be carried out in open ground, but it will be better to use the greenhouse. So the chance to get a plentiful harvest will increase many times. And who does not have it, you can build an improvised temporary guy from arcs and transparent polyethylene. In any case, seen seeds follows one row to ensure free access of warm sunlight to each bush. The soil itself must be loosen along the landing line and saturate with nitrogen, having impregnated with any nitric fertilizer.

Two harvest for one season: 7 secrets of the July sowing of cucumbers 17985_2
Two harvest in one season: 7 secrets of the July sowing of Cucumbers Maria Verbilkova

Planting cucumbers. (Photo used by standard license ©

Nights by the end of summer are becoming colder, so watering cucumbers are better in the morning. During the day, water will have time to fully absorb soil. If watering spent in the evening, then the cold night can then prevent this process. It is necessary to take into account the fact that such frequent watering, as in hot june, the plants are no longer needed. It is enough to water them every few days. And with a substantial decrease in temperature - even less often. But at the same time not to change the frequency of watering sharply. This can provoke shock in plants and wait for the belly cucumbers from them later. And the main rule - it is necessary to water them only with warm water.

For cucumbers of the second wave, this operation is vital, because the mulch will protect their roots from the cold. Mulch will not hurt to treat some special anti-stress agent (for example, "epion"), which increases the immunity of the plants, which is necessary for them for normal (without stress) transfer of possible temperature differences.

Two harvest for one season: 7 secrets of the July sowing of cucumbers 17985_3
Two harvest in one season: 7 secrets of the July sowing of Cucumbers Maria Verbilkova

Mulching. (Photo used by standard license ©

Cucumbers, like any other plants, it is necessary. As soon as the sprouts appear on 2-3 faster leaves, it will be possible to feed the nobility of nettle or dandelion. To do this, it is better to prepare a concentrated solution, insisted for 10 days in water a large amount of this greenery, while it does not wither, and then just gradually use by adding a small part of the resulting composition into the watering water. For example, in the proportion of 1:10. Conduct feeding need once a week.

Although hybrids genetically must be resistant to them, they are not insured against the ordinary root rotting and fading the leaves. An excellent prophylactic measure is their watering with a lactic solution, in which these components are mixed 1: 5 or even 1:10. For each bunch of cucumbers, approximately 100 ml of this mixture will be required. At the same time, on their leaves, it is desirable not to shed it, but the treatment itself, as well as the usual watering, is strictly in the morning.

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