"Could put booze on the roof." In court, the Omonovalets told how people "beat" Tikhanovsky in Grodno


In Grodno, hearings continue on the "Case of Tikhanovsky". Recall that Evgeny Rositichenko, Vladimir Book and Dmitry Furmanov, who were detained on the election pek in the regional center on May 29 last May 29 last May 29 last year on the case of violence against employees of the internal affairs bodies.

Photo: Katerina Gordeva, Tut.by

On February 17, another victim was listened at the court session - Oman's employee Viktor Budnica, who was among others delayed Sergey Tikhanovsky.

Before the start of the court session, several dozen people gathered near the door of the hall. Not everyone managed to get inside: some of the places were taken by young people in a sporty. Before the entrance, they were pushed and did not let go inside the relatives of the accused and the lawyer.

Photo: Olga Komigina, Tut.by

The commander of the team of the riot police officer Viktor Budrik said that he was familiar with one of the accused - Vladimir Book. They served together in one of the divisions of the riot police from 2009 to 2012.

On May 29, the Budrik took over to work in the second shift. That day he was in the reserve group. Employees, and there were five of them, were in a minibus. The car with security forces stood a few hours on a large Troitsky street.

Closer to 20.00 the group received a message that two policemen were "attacked" and had to go there. Employees drove up to the place on the service car and stopped next to the yellow Foodtric.

- It was seen that the police officer lies on Earth, and people are going to quickly with a quick step. We approached and detained the first person who walked ahead, "then it turned out that it was Tikhanovsky," says the victim.

He says that further everything was quibrabo: there were many people on the square. When Budr and Rahunukov led Tikhanovsky to a service car, people began to approach them, and somewhere in the middle of the way Tikhanovsky "began to rest, citizens helped him." At some point, the Budrh saw that the book jumped towards Rahukunk - and pushed: And "it seems to be backed up, and it seems to be fell from him."

At the same time, Viktor Budrik says that he himself did not feel strong blows - only, they say, he saw people waking up in his direction.

"Active actions began near the ving, on my side a young man in a suit with three white stripes on the sleeves tried to pull me and strike me, people tried to prevent the Tikhanovsky in the car," recalls a riot police officer.

Budrh says that among the accused there is no teenager who hit him. At the stage of investigation, he described this person as follows: 180 cm of growth, in a dark suit with three white stripes on the sleeves. Then he said that an unknown man hit him in the right side. Also stated that he wants to attract the guilty of criminal liability. Doctors after hitting did not appeal and injuries did not receive.

The victim in his testimony is confused, there are many contradictions. He says it has passed a lot of time, every day after May 29 "was saturated" and many details he could already miss.

He recalls that as a result, the security forces along with the detainees sat in the minibus and left.

- Why did you limit yourself to one detainee? - asks one of the lawyers.

- We were not there alone. Why do we go after others? Is it that, leave in the car and go after others? - asks the riot police. Then adds that it was done for personal security purposes, as the security officials saw that the crowd of people tried to "repel" Tikhanovsky. - They could put our car to the roof.

- Did you understand why the crowd prevented the detention of Tikhanovsky? - asks the judge.

- Probably, they wanted to be not taken to the ROVD.

- When did you find out that this is Tikhanovsky?

- It became known when planted into the car and brought it.

- Where did it come from?

"Probably heard and saw someone who is Tikhanovsky, and when they sat in the car, I considered it."

Lawyers are trying to figure out why the victim was delayed by Tikhanovsky. He says that they just paid attention to the company of people who left the place where the police officer lay. And suggested that they can be involved in the occurrence. However, they did not find out what happened, and immediately headed for a leaving company.

At the same time, they did not explain the Tikhanovsky, for which he was delayed: "It was just suggested to go into the car for further proceedings in the ROVD." However, after clarifying questions of one of the lawyers, the Budrid admits that it was still detention.

The judge is interested in why the victim with a partner approached precisely to the group, where Tikhanovsky was, - after all, it is more logical to approach people who are near the fallen policeman. He answers: they say, suggested that outgoing people can be involved in a crime. But why they detained by Tikhanovsky and went to that company, Budrh could not explain.

He also says that the instructions dispersed and stop the illegal mass event. Information about any conflicts on the Square Soviet security forces has not been received from the backup.

Who hurt the door of the Militia Boss on the Soviet, did not see the victim too: when the group went to duty, the door was properly, when the minibus was already with Tikhanovsky, he left Soviet Square, the door had to hold, because she saved and did not close.

The judge notes that there are contradictions in the testimony of the victim. So, at the stage of the investigation, the riot police officer said that there were five people in the company's leaving company. He also told that one of the people - later it turned out that it was Tikhanovsky, "said the security forces that this provocation. Employees, they say, saw that people behave inadequately, try to leave. He also previously told that the book grabbed his partner for the form, tried to grab his neck, other security forces were taped.

The victim's survey lasted two hours. A long time and judge and lawyers tried to eliminate contradictions. The victim referred to the fact that much no longer remembers, because a lot of time passed.

Meetings on this case will continue on Friday, February 19. It is planned to poll the second victim of the riot police officer.

"Case of Tikhanovsky"

Sergey Tikhanovsky and a few more people detained on May 29 in Grodno during a sacrifice collection picket. This was preceded by an incident, as a result of which a policeman fell. Eyewitnesses of events called it provocation, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs stated that the detainees applied violence against police officers.

At first it was reported on one affected policeman, then about two.

On June 3 and 4, at the cottage at Tikhanovsky near Gomel and in his office in Gomel were searches. During the search at the cottage, investigators found 900 thousand dollars.

To date, Tikhanovsky charged on three articles of the Criminal Code:

  • Organization of actions, roughly violating public order (part 1 of article 342 of the Criminal Code, is punishable by a fine, or arrest, or a limitation of freedom for up to three years, or imprisonment for the same time), in connection with the events in Grodno on May 29, where Tikhanovsky and was detained;
  • The prevention of the work of the Central Election Commission (Art. 191 of the Criminal Code is punishable by public works, or a fine, or correctional work for up to two years, or a limitation of freedom for up to three years, or imprisonment for the same period) - Lydia Yermoshin, who informed The media about what was recognized as the victim in the case claimed that "Tikhanovsky is dangerous for the state and society";
  • The incitement of racial, national, religious or other social hostility or retail, committed by a group of persons or caused by negligence of human death or other serious consequences (h. 3 of Art. 130 of the Criminal Code, is punished with imprisonment for a period of five to twelve years).

Belarusian human rights defenders recognized Sergey Tikhanovsky and the rest of the detainees in this case political prisoners and demand their liberation.

The BYPOL initiative has published materials related to the detention of Sergey Tikhanovsky. Among other things, there is an audio recording on which a person with a voice that looks like the Voice of Ex-Minister of Internal Affairs Yury Karaeva, says that "he is the danger of all these babariks" and "We must put it for a long time." It is worth noting that the name Tikhanovsky does not sound on the record. However, the phrases that "he, this creature, in Russia saw many times worse everything" (as you know, Tikhanovsky went to work in Russia), "I came and started:" We will tell this power, "allow you to assume that It is about Sergey Tikhanovsky. Tut.BY.

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