Crime against marriage


Crime against marriage 17912_1
Vladimir Dubosar. Kiss (bitter!) From the series "Weddings"

Correction of the criminal through love and marriage - raise stereotype in mass culture. From Shukshinskaya "Kalina Krasnoye" to the Eastwood "Unbred", we tell us the history of the criminal who saves or trying to escape from its criminal past through romantic relations and family life.

Waiting for February 14, it is worthwhile asking: how much love and marriage are really able to keep a person from committing crimes?

Magic love is difficult to measure, except that we have to place criminals in magnetic-resonance tomographs and take blood tests on oxytocin in order to understand, they are in love or not. Realistly check whether the marriage status is connected with the tendency to violate the law. You can, of course, argue that marriage is not love, and indeed a good matter marriage will not call, besides, it creates conditions for some specific crimes: for example, uksoricides and mariticides (that is, the killings of wives and husbands with their spouses). But other things being equal, entry into modern marriage is rather evidenced by the presence of romantic feelings than not.

Wife or bad company

At first glance, obviously: idle and unmarried among criminals and criminals disproportionately more than married and married. So, the 2010 census recorded: a little more than half of all adult Russians declare, which is registered. In the same year, according to the judicial department in the Supreme Court of Russia, the average number of convicts criminals who were in this status barely exceeded 15%. This simple empirical fact pushes to the seemingly obvious conclusion - marriage keeps against criminal behavior.

And yet, among the criminologists there is no consensus on this issue: such disproportions may also have other explanations. To remove them, you can watch the potentially "problematic" young people (those who systematically missed school, consumed alcohol or drugs, lasted peers, etc.). Such studies more or less unequivocally show: marriage, even an early, is associated with a decrease in the likelihood of committing a crime.

In order to succeed in a criminal career (like any other), there are important links. Speaking by a simple language, it is important to remain young on the environment of the same young obtols. The speech is not at all about the gangs in the classical sense, but rather a friendly "parties", on which some pinches others to make different nonsense, sometimes criminal. And so, if during the next "nonsense" of such computers and takes a law enforcement system at the turn, a criminal career begins.

Bad inclinations or marriage

How does marriage prevent this? The marriage destroys "Tusovka" (unfortunately, not only criminal, not one friendship died, without preparing competition with love), because the family is a whole set of responsibilities, one of which is to spend time with its "second half". The longer you spend with your spouse or spouse, the less time you have on friends, and therefore less time on the near-round nonsense. With the advent of children of this time, it becomes even smaller, and here also double social control by senior relatives. And yesterday's overatus becomes quite a decent man in the street, because to maintain a family, you need a stable earnings that the criminal is difficult to ensure.

Perhaps, however, not a marriage protects against a crime, and potential criminals do not take in husbands and wives. In addition, the researchers discovered a discouraging fact: only a legitimate marriage, romantic relationships and even the cohabitation of them hold no one to their crime. Moreover, in some cases, the cohabitation only enhances the criminal inclinations, however, it is important for both partners "problem".

Another approach is to compare mutual criminals among themselves. Thanks to the wealth of Russian judicial statistics, you can compare how quickly the person will make a new crime after liberation from the conclusion, depending on which marriage status he had. It is possible to distinguish not only idle and married, but also those who have never been in marriage, and those who divorced or widowed. Calculations on all convicts in Russia for 2009-2012. It was expected to have shown that married and married criminals would longer refrain from repeating crime than idle. But divorced and widows turned out to be more inclined to make repeated crimes than not for married. Maybe the loss of a spouse is an injury that knocks out a man from a rut, destroys social ties and pushes into a criminal path? Or maybe, with the most sealing villains, live dangerously and their spouses seek them from them, if, of course, have time?

Conformism or love

People who are married, apparently, are more prosperous not only from a criminological point of view - they longer live, they have more prosperous. Laugh, however, whether the riddle is that the result is that love illuminates their path, and the connected hearts beat into unison, or this society encourages compliance with expectations and the most conformal types of behavior?

The author's opinion may not coincide with the position of the VTIMES edition.

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