VTB three times increased mortgage refinancing in the Ivanovo region

VTB three times increased mortgage refinancing in the Ivanovo region 17893_1

At the end of 2020, more than 400 inhabitants of the Ivanovo region reduced their payment load on the mortgage, refinancing in VTB. The amount of loans with a reduced rate has 593 million rubles. This is 3 times higher than the figure for 2019 by volume and number of transactions.

Refinancing accounts for every third housing transaction VTB in the Ivanovo region in 2020. The share in the total volume of the bank's mortgage issuance in the region compared with 2019 increased from 13% to 30%. The average size of one such transaction is 1.5 million rubles (+111 thousand per year).

The maximum refinancing volume falls on the Moscow region, where clients re-operated 18 thousand housing loans for 75 billion rubles, in St. Petersburg and the region - 21.5 billion rubles, in Tatarstan - 8.9 billion, in Bashkortostan - 7.8 Billion, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - 7.4 billion.

In general, VTB countries have reduced the bid for 114 thousand customers by 255 billion rubles. This is the maximum indicator in the banking market - almost every second transaction for refinancing mortgage in Russia in 2020 falls on VTB. In the total volume of housing transactions of the bank, the proportion of refinancing has grown from 13 to 27%. The average loan size is 2.2 million rubles (+200 thousand per year).

"We consider it important that the mortgage is not only available to new customers, but also a comfortable service for existing borrowers, in accordance with average rates on the market. Therefore, in 2020, we paid special attention to the rate reduction programs, and they were recordly in demand from customers who made the mortgage in past years. We expect that in 2021, demand for refinancing will continue, but will be more moderate. We do not expect a further sharp decline in rates, the program of the preferential mortgage is likely to be modified after July 1, in addition, the essential part of the borrowers has already benefited by a favorable situation and rejected its loans on new conditions, "Evgeny Dychkin, Deputy Head of the Retail Business Department, Vice President VTB.

In VTB, refinancing of the mortgage of another bank issued to the purchase of a ready-made or built housing is now available at a rate of 5% in the framework of state support for families with children. For customers receiving salary in VTB, the rate will be 8%, for borrowers of other banks - 8.2%.

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