New Singurnios introduced in Pavlodar region


New Singurnios introduced in Pavlodar region

New Singurnios introduced in Pavlodar region

Pavlodar. January 23. KazTag - new sanitary restrictions were introduced in Pavlodar region, KazTag reports.

"Amendments and additions were made to Resolution No. 1" On restrictive quarantine measures in the territory of the Pavlodar region "of January 17, 2021. Interregional, international intercourse (with the exception of AKSU-Pavlodar Aksu combined with the route Pavlodar-Aksu-Pavlodar), interdistrict bus, minibus passenger transportation, "said the representative of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Control Department of the Pavlodar Region Gizat Absev at a briefing in the Regional Communications Service on Saturday.

In addition, work on Saturday and Sundays (only in delivery / removal mode) of public catering (restaurants, cafes, bars, dining rooms, etc.) has been suspended (restaurants, cafes, bars, dining rooms, etc.) At least two meters between the extreme seats of neighboring tables and seating at the same table no more than four-6 people.

"Subparagraph 52) of paragraph 1 shall be amended as follows:" 52) Conducting sanitary and disinfecting processing of all trading facilities, public transport, taxis, industrial areas, entrances, cabins of elevators, organizations and other public places in compliance with the requirements of the decision of the GSV RK №67 "," Added the speaker.

The ban on working on Saturday, Sunday and holidays of the public service centers of the branch of NAO "GK" Government for citizens "in Pavlodar region is superimposed. The schedule of their work, as well as the work of Call Center, video assistants on weekdays (Monday-Friday) from 09.00 to 18.00.

The decision comes into force from 00.00 January 25, 2021, with a validity period until 00.00 February 8, 2021.

According to Absev, such measures are introduced due to the deterioration of the epidemiological situation in the Pavlodar region. Today, 226 new cases of coronavirus infection are registered, of which 172 are symptoms. Among the fallen 12 schoolchildren and two students.

Note that Lokdaun weekend returned to Pavlodar region on January 20th. Restrictions on Saturdays and Sundays touched public transport. On weekends, saunas, swimming pools, sports facilities, indoor markets, shopping and entertainment centers and houses, non-food shops, indoor ice cortions. The mode of operation of restaurants, cafes and bars has changed.

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