"It's so strange when a young mother applies such terrible words in his vocabyon" ... The spouse of Nikolayev was not so cute


38-year-old life companion

It turned out to be in the center of the scandal. Returning from rest in Miami, the artist saw that her Moscow parking place was occupied by someone! It turned out that without permission, the concert director of the singer Milena Daegei, whose spouse millionaire Evgeny Samushenko died in April last year.

Star Mat!

I'm in shock friends! How can it be! I tell:

On the night of February 12-13, at Tverskaya Street, where Julia Proskuryakova live, Igor Nikolaev's wife with his spouse and I, by the way, being an incident happened.



Proskuryakova demanded to free the place, but Daelega outraged how the request was presented - very rude. In social networks between the stars unused conflict. Milena said that Julia spoke in a non-disabilities.

Everyone knows that the snowfall cyclone fell into Moscow and a blizzard, which was impossible to move through the streets. So it happened with my director Mikhail Sokolov, who had to stay in my Tverskaya Street. We were frightened that the car would notice, and I asked to pull it into the underground parking, in which there are many empty places. As decent people, left the phone number in case the parking lot belongs to someone. In the morning, Mikhail looked calls and incoming messages and was shocked, a few offensive messages with a matte, degrading and dignity of man came from Yulia Proskuryakova. It is so strange when a young mother applies such terrible words to neighbors in his vocabyon,

- Shared widow a millionaire.

Milena Denga

The answer of his wife Nikolaev did not make himself wait. Julia stated that Milena did not have the right to take someone else's parking space, and therefore the issue would be solved in court. The actress assured that Milena would soon receive a summons.

Julia Proskuryakova with family

Better Agenda to Pissansel! Nerves for you to strip. And ethics of communication with neighbors. Good luck funny lady

- Paved Deinega. Recently, Julia began to surprise the public with open behavior. It was produced by a furor snapshot in bikini, now Dengu and her surroundings of insolerive ... In addition, the public is surprised by the appearance of the daughter of Nikolaev and Proskuryakova.

What do you think about this? Whose side are you on? Write in the comments!

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