The new government ruling threatens the green zones of St. Petersburg. Almost the townspeople can resist this


Today, the government decree, which allows regions to independently determine the desired number of parking spaces in cities near residential buildings, public places and recreation sites. In addition, officials were allowed to determine the minimum area of ​​landscaping.

"We are talking about new projects. There and now no one thinks about greens. The fact that the decision was transferred from the federal to the local level makes it possible to show local officials and business, how much they love their city and whether they want to see it healthy. Therefore, the relationship between trees (health) and road parking (cars - the main source of pollution in the city) is inversely proportional. The more parking, the less health. I will note that now there are problems with landscaping in all new projects that have been implemented in the last 20 years. The main trouble - there is no basic element of landscaping - trees, "said Maria Tinika, coordinator of the social movement" Trees of St. Petersburg ".

"Gardening and the presence of parking spaces depend not so much from standards as from the activity of the local community in a particular location. - Dmitry Sinkin believes, the chief editor of NSP, - for example, in Murro recently, there was a fight against the buildings of the boulevard. At the Petrograd Speaker Zaks Makarov used green plantings to block those housing projects that he do not like. So important is not so much norm as law enforcement practice. The problem of placement of vehicles in principle is not solved within the megalpolis - neither by us or somewhere else. 1.3 million cars, on 25 "squares" of parking for each - you need to build another Petersburg. Options: Shering, drones, a trip as a service (by analogy with the Internet), the development of public transport, decentralization, autonomy of the quarters. In general, the idea to give more regulation to the place - quite healthy. It is impossible to measure the Kolomna and Kuriental region. "

Recall that earlier the calculated indicators of parking spaces and landscaping were installed at the federal level. With the construction of new buildings, developers had to comply with the requirements for the organization of parking lots provided for in the arrangements of rules for urban planning. The norm was established on the basis of the level of motorization, which is defined as 200-250 cars per 1 thousand people.

The new government ruling threatens the green zones of St. Petersburg. Almost the townspeople can resist this 1784_1
The new government ruling threatens the green zones of St. Petersburg. Almost the townspeople can resist this

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