Heads of Nizhny Novgorod enterprises of the Chemical Industry discussed the prospects for the development of the industry in the region

Heads of Nizhny Novgorod enterprises of the Chemical Industry discussed the prospects for the development of the industry in the region 17821_1

The heads of Nizhny Novgorod enterprises of the chemical industry discussed with the director of the Department of Chemical Technological Complex and Bio-Engineering Technologies of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Alexander Orlov, the main issues of industry development issues. This is reported by the press service of the governor and the government of the region.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Andrei Sanosyan and Minister of Industry, Trade and Entrepreneurship of the region Maxim Cherkasov, as well as representatives of Tosol-Synthesis LLC, Ocapol LLC, Norkem LLC, Khoma LLC and Polyconomy LLC "

In addition to the general discussion of the development prospects of the industry, the industrialists in the format of direct dialogue were able to ask the Director of the Department of Minpromptorg RF questions related to the activities of their enterprises.

Alexander Orlov noted that for the Nizhny Novgorod region, the chemical industry is traditional, but at the same time actively developing activities, new projects appear and new enterprises are opening.

"Meetings related to the development of industry, we are conducting regularly with the Ministry of Industry RF. The chemical industry for us is one of the main directions, and we pay special attention to it. This is especially true for Dzerzhinsk, which is historically called the "city of chemists". There are regularly opening new production, as well as a special economic zone (SEZ) "Kulibin", one of the activities of which is chemistry. In the near future, it is planned to expand the EEZ, as well as the construction of a technopark, which will be completely devoted to chemistry, "said Andrei Sanosyan.

After the meeting, Alexander Orlov personally visited and estimated the production facilities of Polyketon LLC, OOO Norkem, OOO "Ocapol", FCP "Plant them. Ya.M. Sverdlova, as well as LLC "Composite Gas Cylinders" - resident of the special economic zone "Kulibin", which is preparing to open production in 2021.

Recall, the SEZ "Kulibin" was created in Dzerzhinsk in 2020 on the instructions of the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region Gleb Nikitina. To date, the total area of ​​the SEZ is 72.3 hectares. At the second stage, the area of ​​about 430 hectares is planned to be included in the special economic zone, directly adjacent to the SEZ.

As previously reported, in October 2020, three investment projects were supported at a meeting of the first expert council of a special economic zone. At the end of the meeting, it was determined that the RT-Composite Gas Cylinders, Kulibeli, Kulibeli and Khoma and Plastmatics were determined by residents of SEZ. The total investment in projects is about 2 billion rubles. In December, the launch of the production of the first resident - LLC "Plastmatics". The company produces plastics products. The launch of enterprises of two more residents is scheduled for the first half of 2021.

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