How to act on people and not afraid? How to prepare for public speeches not to be afraid?

How to act on people and not afraid? How to prepare for public speeches not to be afraid? 17817_1
How to prepare for public speeches not to be afraid? Photo: Depositphotos.

Everyone ever had to speak publicly. This experience begins in childhood. Someone in kindergarten has to publicly read the poems, someone of kindergarten avoids. But at school, we all had to stand at the board and test this public disgrace.

I went to the theater studio for 8 years and spent my whole life on the stage, then I worked as a teacher, a business coach. And now I want to make the experience of people who engaged in research by this problem, to several practical recommendations.

The most famous writer on topics about how to learn "publicly acting" is Dale Carnegie. I want to write a few useful tips that will help to cope with the fear of the scene. I checked all this.

The first moment: as I look.

It is important that clothes have been familiar. In completely new clothes you will feel cowardly. This moment is very cool manifested in theatrical life. When a few months go rehearsals in ordinary clothes, and you wear a suit on the speech - it takes everything out of my head. Therefore, at least one run rehearsal is always made in the theater, but in costumes.

The same with any public speech. Practice at home to speak in that parade clothes in which you will be in public.

The moment is second: breathing.

To calm your nerves, which suddenly begin to behave inadequately, to turn their attention to breathing well.

  • Before the performance of 10-15 minutes, ride deeply and with delays.
How to act on people and not afraid? How to prepare for public speeches not to be afraid? 17817_2
Photo: Depositphotos.

Deep and even breathing will ask you a certain tone. You will feel more confident and calm. Already during the speech itself, it is very useful for some kind of monologue or "kosk" speech to make a deep breath and exhale.

The moment is the third: smile and posture.

Smile has to you. And not only the audience, but also you. Try to fear, smiling. During a smile, the body does not know how to fear. Therefore, if you feel the influx of fear - smile, first of all myself. Posture creates an inner sense of confidence.

The moment is the fourth: an ally among the audience.

When I was small, the teacher always told me before going to the stage that "a girl sitting on the last row, read for her." It is important to choose at the end of the Human Hall, which is positively configured. And read it. He will be your ally. If he smiles and nods, it means that he is. It is better for him to be at the end of the hall, because then you will read your speech, and not just the first rows.

How to act on people and not afraid? How to prepare for public speeches not to be afraid? 17817_3
Photo: Depositphotos.

If there is no such person, come up with it yourself. Choose your empty seat on the last row or something inexistently - and speak for him, seeing a grateful listener in it.

In no case can not look at the negative audience. After all, you are not guilty that someone does not like something.

Moment Fifth: Speak loud and clearly.

If you feel that the fear does, start talking to your speech exaggerated loudly and clearly, concentrate on the definitions and deposit of sounds. This is a psychological admission. Clearness and volume indicates your self-confidence. Accordingly, feedback works: your volume and clarity causes confidence in you.

Moment Six: When there is nothing to say, tell the truth.

Sometimes completely forgetting what to say. This is a difficult situation, especially if you are working with partners, such as in the theater. Different actors come out of this in different ways: someone begins to say something in their own words, someone is trying to ask for help from colleagues. It is important not to be dishes. The audience still does not know what you should say.

How to act on people and not afraid? How to prepare for public speeches not to be afraid? 17817_4
Photo: Depositphotos.

But if you come up with your speech, you can always win time by asking the viewers by the material that you have already told. Or just get away. Almost all business coaches know a huge number of jokes. Jokes can be fill in any pause and a little "wake up" viewers.

It is important not to be silent. If everything is completely forgotten, it is much better to say to be honest that you need to look into your plan than to be silent.

Moment on the seventh: you can only wander without a plan.

The plan must be. And he must be with him. Even if you do not have to look into it, nothing likes the person of confidence as a crib! This is what is called "strong rear".

The moment eighth: Praise yourself always!

No matter how you performed, be sure to praise yourself after the speech. Encourage yourself, buy yourself a gift, cast yourself in a cafe or make yourself a pleasant one. Critics should not be!

The next day, when everything goes into the head, it will be possible to sit down and summarize that it would be possible to improve in their speeches. But after the speech it is necessary to praise! Then the next time it will be not so scary. And after a few speeches, you will already pull on the scene.

How to act on people and not afraid? How to prepare for public speeches not to be afraid? 17817_5
Photo: Depositphotos Moment Ninth: What could be worse?

If the thought of a public speech itself leads you to horror, there is a good way. Imagine that you acted and failed. What will happen then? All viewers will stand and come out of the hall, or, if this is an exam, you will not cover your answer, or what happens in the worst case?

And now feel: you did not die? Not. Well, even if you do not count the exam, this is not the end of the world, and this can also be survived.

Not so worried damn, like his little. Sometimes you need to see the fear of the eyes to understand how meaningless it is.

Now, when the fear was not an elephant, but a small fly, imagine the picture in which you made brilliantly. Feel like you stand, straightening your shoulders, and around all the audience got up and applauding you standing. These pleasant feelings feel your skin, back, face, corners of the lips, let this delight into yourself.

And now forward, on the stage: we are born, so that the fairy tale is to do!

Author - Magic squirrel

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