Teenager's room: design, style, color solution


Thoughtful parents probably want to make a room for a daughter comfortable, comfortable and, together with the stylish. If everything is simple with the boys, because many prefer asceticism and minimalism, then with girls everything is much more complicated. The room should reflect the character and preferences of the hostess, while look beautiful. And in its space, a teenage girl should feel comfortable and comfortable. Further about how the teenager-girl room can be decorated - design, style, color.

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Where to start

First of all, parents must forget about their own wishes and directly ask his daughter as she sees her room. Psychologists advise, in principle, more talk with children to understand their desires, aspirations, to be close, if it is necessary. Repair is an excellent opportunity to talk once again, ask what daughter dreams about how wants to put furniture that wishes to see in his personal space.

The teenage girl room should be her own, where she will be easily and comfortable. The daughter will surely invite their friends here, do in the room lessons, read, dream, listen to music. That is why it is so important to consider each trifle, every detail, naturally, having coordinated it with the household room.

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We highlight the main zones

So that the space in the nursery is functional, it needs to be divided into sections. So, what you need to highlight in the room:

  • sleeping place;
  • corner for homework;
  • storage of clothes and other things;
  • Recreation area and relax.

It is especially important to divide the room into the zone if the space is very modest in the midst. If the room for a teenager is spacious, you can also add a place to watch movies, a corner with a mirror so that young fashion can make beauty. There will also be a relevant sports area. When separating the room to the plots, repel from the prace, as well as from the lessons and hobbies of the daughter.

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Technical moments

Before the start of repair and placement of furniture, you need to take care of important nuances: a light solution, air conditioner, heating, etc.

Each zone in the room must be well covered. Near the sleeping place it is necessary to place a night light (you can choose a stylish and inexpensive), and the working corner needs a powerful lamp so that the child does not spoil their eyesight. You should also think about the overall lighting of the room. It can be a stylish chandelier or light bulb on a suspended ceiling. All lighting devices must harmoniously fit into the teenage girl's room.

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Modern design rooms for teenage girls

There are a large number of diverse styles, so parents need to learn from the daughter, which one prefers in the design of its own space.

Classic. At all times, pastel or white shades will be relevant, simple, but not devoid of grace, furniture, tapestries or pictures on the walls, sofa pillows. If the daughter is a romantic, thin nature, loves order and comfort, the classic version will probably like it. Light tones can be diluted with purple, lilac, mint, lightning flowers. The classic design is suitable for schoolgirls 11-15 years old, but the high school students will appreciate the design of their room.

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Modern. Modern teenagers often prefer this particular style in the design of their own space. Simple paints, convenience, comfort - these are the main features of Modern style in design. Here, as in the first version, there are bright shades, but they are combined with bright, catchy colors. Children's modern style is suitable for teenage girls 12-14 years old.

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Pop Art. The girls who want to stand out of the total mass will surely appreciate the Pop Art style room. Bright collages, graffiti on the walls, paintings with images of fashionable musical groups, simple interior - these are the main features of the modern style. If the daughter loves shocking, it is distinguished by an explosive character, prefers to attract attention, pop art is her style.

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High tech. At first glance, such a design is more suitable for boys, but also for a girl in the style of High-tech will be appropriate. Clear lines, comfortable furniture, simplicity and comfort in combination with the latest technologies - these are the main features of the High-tech style. As a rule, black, gray, metal colors are used, which are sometimes diluted with blue or green. Chairs, tables, cabinets, chest made of plastic, glass or metal.

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Provence. This is not a demonstration of chic, wealth and luxury. Provence is a comfort, comfort, tenderness. Light shades, vegetable prints, natural materials create a deed atmosphere of warmth. If the girl is twelve-fourteen years old, it has a soft character, loves tender shades, the style of Provence will probably have to taste.

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Rock. Not only boys love to listen to heavy music. If the daughter is a fan of rock, it will certainly want to puncture all the walls with images of their musical idols. Parents may not like it, but you need to reckon with your daughter's hobbies.

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Simple design

If the design of the rest of the rooms, parents are thought out to each little thing, children can be left as if unfinished. Repair is done, the lighting is carried out, the furniture is set up, and that's all. Teens themselves will finish the design of the room at their discretion. Perhaps it will be posters, portraits, photos or handmade decorations. Modern room designs often leave as if unfinished, unfinished, so that the owners themselves add nuances and paints that they like.It will be interesting: the rules for the education of American mothers who should be used in our country

Which Wallpaper will fit the girl's room

First of all, the color of the wallpaper should like the hostess of space. Also, wallpaper should be environmentally friendly, not to distinguish toxic substances, do not collect dust and dirt.

What should be paid when choosing wallpaper:

  1. They should be safe, and this is the most important thing.
  2. The coloring of the wallpaper should be harmonized with the selected color decision of the children's room.
  3. If parents decide to glue wallpaper independently, it is desirable to select this option where you do not need to docile a drawing. Otherwise, the risk that repairs will be delayed for a long time.
Types of wallpaper

Paper. Pluses this species a lot: they are eco-friendly, inexpensive, good quality. But you need to know the small nuance that before sticking paper wallpapers, it is necessary to level the walls to the perfect state, otherwise the paper will be lying unevenly. Of the disadvantages, it is possible to name light deformation in any careless movement, as well as paper wallpaper are affected by sunlight, that is, quickly burn out.

Fliseline. Also considered environmentally friendly material. Positive moments in fliselin wallpaper are many: they are wear-resistant, easily glued, paste air.

Fiberglass. Usually this type of wallpaper is intended for painting. The material is not toxic, breathable, so it is quite suitable for the design of the children's room.

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We select textiles

Definitely, curtains, tulle, bed linen, bedspreads need to choose with her daughter. What should pay attention to when choosing bed linen?
  1. Do not impose daughters children's sets with cartoon patterns. It is better to let it be monophonic underwear or with an unobtrusive print.
  2. Bed linen should harmonize with the overall concept of the room.
  3. The kit must be made of natural fabrics.
As for the curtains, for adolescent girls it is better to choose classic, straight. Ryushechki, ruffles, bows clearly do not fit into the design of modern children.READ ALSO: Children's room with his own hands

We put furniture

If the children's has a small metrar, it is important to arrange the furniture so that the girl is comfortable and cozy. What objects of furniture should be present in the room:

  • Bed with an orthopedic mattress (on the mattress should not save, because his quality directly affects the posture of the future lady);
  • table with a chair or chair, where the daughter will do lessons (located better near the window); The storage cabinet (according to fashion designers, the wardrobes came out of fashion, now in the trend cabinets with swing doors);
  • dressing table with a mirror;
  • Recreation area (if space allows).

Hown a room for a teenager girl is 15-16 years old

The girl is almost an adult, pays a lot of time to guiding beauty, worrying about the opinion of others. But also 16 years old - this is the age when adolescents (girls and boys) fool over, feel sometimes children, but trying well to learn to get a certificate and make a way to the future. Parents must take care to her daughter in the room there was a place for hobbies, recreation, study and friendly sites. The design of the Teenager-Girls is 16 years old can be decorated in the style of High-tech, minimalism, pop art. Classic, too, probably will like to taste. You can add to pastel colors pistachio or peach shades, nuances of Greek, French or Italian style (photo).

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In adolescence, the child often begins to rebel, demonstrate its independence, require its own space. It is absolutely normal, and parents need to support daughter in a complex transition period, as well as create suitable conditions so that the girl felt comfortable and cozy. One of the first steps to independent, adult life will be the design of his own room, where daughters will have a good time, and where it will gladly invite friends.


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