What should be water for watering houseplants?

What should be water for watering houseplants? Domadeal

Water quality for watering plays the last role in caring for indoor plants. How do we usually water home flowers? This tap water, at best, the distilled at least a day at room temperature, and most often there are plants just scored with a cold or mixture of cold and hot water.

Let's talk in detail about what kind of water should be for watering room plants.

Many of you have noticed on the surface of the soil a hard white lime bloom (not to be confused with mold!). Most often, it appears from the use of tap water, because it is rigid, it contains salt, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, etc., which can negatively affect the root system of the plant. Remember the scale in the kettle.

How to water indoor plants?

If you use conventional water from the crane, it will not be superfluous to defend it at least at room temperature, while the precipitate (1/4) is not used, and merge!

It will be water to put water on the battery, now just included heating, so that the water is warm. Roofs of indoor plants love warm water.

Using for watering rainwater - not all this method is suitable. In nature, the plants eat only from the rain. Collect rainwater away from the city and plants, so you minimize the risk of poisonous substances. In addition, the rainwater is soft!

To acidify and soften the water, add to water for watering several drops of lemon juice or citric acid grains.

✅Derevaya ash or activated carbon tablets are excellent water softeners. A couple of tablets of activated coal by 1.5 water will bring your home plants only benefit!

It is also recommended to freeze water for watering: the first is frozen normal water, when there will be unproduced 1/3 part, it should be pulled out, since it is most concentrated on all harmful salts.

If you live in the countryside away from chemical production, try to water the room flowers with melting snow.

It is a popular and affordable way to get good water for indoor plants - skip it through a filter for water purification. After that, on the leaves when spraying and the ground, there will be no white lime-plane.

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