Vladimir authorities responded to the Counting Chamber's Claims on Business Support in Pandemic

Vladimir authorities responded to the Counting Chamber's Claims on Business Support in Pandemic 1778_1

Previously, "Vladimir News" told about the report of the Accounts Chamber for 2020. Auditors paid a lot of attention to the topic of business support in the 33rd region during a pandemic period.

According to the joint venture, the actions of the Vladimir authorities were often characterized by a formal approach to planning anti-crisis measures, which led to the fact that few entrepreneurs took advantage of the help of the state.

- Almost every sixth measure of support from included in the plan with a total financing volume of over 600 million rubles was not anti-crisis, since the regional budget annually allocated funds for their financing before Pandemic, "the auditors noted.

From the side of the "White House" commented on the situation First Deputy Governor Alexander Remiga. Thanking specialists of the Accounts Chamber for the work done, he listed the achievements of the region over the past year.

Photo: website of the administration of the Vladimir region

According to Vice-Governor, Vladimir region one of the first opened the manufacturing industry and the construction sector, which brought positive results. Last year, the industrial production index rose by 120 percent in relation to the previous period, according to remiga. In addition, he noted an increase in investment in fixed assets.

- In terms of 78 billion rubles, approved before Pandemic, the region managed to attract 93 billion rubles to the economy. Thus, we have improved even records of 2019, - summarized the first deputy Sipyagin.

Also, Vice-Guernator listed "antique" activities that were rendered by Vladimir businessmen last year. We publish a list completely.

- Capitalization of the Foundation for the Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship in the Vladimir region in the amount of 245.2 million rubles was carried out. Changes in the line of products of the microcredit company are made in terms of decline in interest rates. A new product "anti-crisis" for a period of 2 years has been developed and implemented using interest rates from 1 percent. For the sale of the product, the foundation was made by another 41.5 million rubles. At the new reduced interest rates, 83 microloans totaling 251.86 million rubles were issued. Within the framework of the product "Anti-crisis" issued 55 microloans totaling 42.79 million rubles.

- In addition to the ISM support measures, the Fund has introduced a new product "Special". The recipients of support on this product are subjects of business, whose activities are suspended or limited in accordance with the decree of the regional governor of No. 38. The loan amount in the presence of mortgage collateral was from 100 thousand to 1 million rubles with a rate of 2 percent per annum. The loan amount in the absence of collateral collateral was from 100 thousand to 600 thousand rubles at a rate of 4.25 percent per annum. 168 SMEs were a delay in the payment of the principal debt for a total of 64.8 million rubles.

- from the regional budget allocated additional 50 million rubles to the Vladimirlyasing Foundation. A new product line has been introduced, the upper boundaries of up to 6 percent are reduced, the leasing time is increased to 8 years for all entities of entrepreneurship. Under new reduced interest rates, 25 lease agreements are concluded for a total amount of 110.9 million rubles. In addition, in the framework of the product "Anti-crisis", 14 lease agreements were concluded for a total of 26.8 million rubles. Substitters 14 of the subjects of SMEs totaling 7.7 million rubles are provided.

- Calculated the warranty fund of the Vladimir region in the amount of 13 million rubles. Reduced the amount of payment for the provision of guarantee to 0.5 percent per annum, provides for the prolongation of guarantees agreements when making credit institutions a decision on restructuring or prolongation of loan agreements. At a preferential rate, 37 guarantees in the amount of 312.2 million rubles were issued, which allowed the subjects of SMEs to attract credit funds in a total volume of 655.2 million rubles.

- On the basis of the center of the provision of "My Business", the work of the "hotline" is organized. A cycle of activities aimed at online training of small and medium-sized businesses and citizens planning to start entrepreneurial activities is organized.

During the period of anti-crisis measures, the Center "My Business" spent 144 events for 4752 participants. 17116 Free Consultations on business activities and anti-crisis support provided to businessmen in organizations that make up SME support infrastructure: in the center of "My Business", Entrepreneurship Support Center, Regional Center for Engineering, Microcredit Company "Foundation for the Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship in the Vladimir region" , Warranty Fund of the Vladimir region and the Vladimirlyasing Foundation.

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