"God is not in force, but in truth": the winners of the festival of snow sculptures are named


The results of the festival of snow figures were summed up in Novosibirsk on Wednesday, January 8. This year, the main prize was received by the team from Smolensk for the giant sculpture of the Grand Prince Alexander Nevsky.

Despite frosty weather in the Pervomaisky Square Novosibirsk, many people gathered. Novosibirsk people came to admire huge snowy figures. All of them are represented by 15 pieces, but the main masterpiece of the townspeople called the majestic sculpture of Prince Alexander Nevsky. Their opinion was divided and the jury.

The main theme of the 21st annual festival of the 800th anniversary of the birth of the Grand Prince of Kiev and Vladimirsky. The winners team depicted a historical person with a sword lowered down, and under the legs of the prince of Nevsky's helmet of the fallen German knight. The work was called "God not in force, but in truth."

The second place of the jury awarded a team from Omsk for the symbolic sculpture of the "Chungy Lake". It is a sword, cutting ice.

Local sculptors from Kupino for the composition "Christmas Star" received the third place.

The prize of the mayor of Novosibirsk for the second year in a row went to the women's team from Khabarovsk. Sculptors managed to create a very detailed work "Path to the Bethlehem Star". The girls were able to pull out the caravan camels, a ship and realistic waves under it.

Master began to erect their work on January 4 during the harsh Siberian frosts. In just 4 days 15 teams from the cities of Russia and the countries of the near abroad transformed Pervomaysky Square.

The history of the festival originates since 2000, when Siberian masters went to elaborate in the competition of snow figures in Japan. After that, they thought that in Russia, more than enough material to create snow masterpieces, and organized their contest.

The festival acquired an all-Russian scale. Now come to participate in it, even from those regions, where the snow is rare, for example, from the Krasnodar Territory. And when sculptors from neighboring Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan joined the competition, the event began to wear an international character.

Most participants are experienced masters who have no one contest and festival behind their backs. Among the sculptors there are professionals, and there are lovers. So, in the neighborhood there are small works of schoolchildren and the work of children from art schools.

You can admire the work of the masters before January 31, after, unfortunately, the sculptures will be demolished.

Last year, the Square decorated fewer figures, 10 teams took part. Nevertheless, the festival was not inferior in entertainment. The main topic was the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. And the first place was taken by residents of Tomsk for the composition "Grandfather and grandson".

The artists admitted that it was not easy to work on a given topic - it is necessary to reflect the events of the war years, the essence, but to do it so that it does not seem mourning.

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