How to diversify home speech therapy classes with a ball and rings Su-Jock


When my child at 2.5 years old spoke only a few words, I realized that he needed help. Despite the fact that specialists in unison served that this is normal, I felt - no, it is my daughter who prevents something from talking. She seemed to be needed some push.

After half a year, she practically caught up with his peers. I do not have a special education, I also read books on the topic, studied extra materials, watched a video like other moms. As a result, it was possible to draw up a plan for small daily training for the development of speech, which the daughter agreed at all.

Good assistants in this process were rings and su-jock balls. In general, with some items to engage in more interesting than just finger gymnastics.

What is Su-Jock?

How to diversify home speech therapy classes with a ball and rings Su-Jock 17762_1

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From Korean "Su" translates "Brush", and "Jock" - Stop. This method of physiotherapy presented Eastern Medicine to the whole world. Of course, it is impossible to use it without consulting a traditional specialist.

In 1986, South Korean professor Pak Chezu spoke that sensitive receptors associated with the internal body bodies were located in the palms and feets, so correctly stimulating them, it can be affected by many diseases. This can be done with the help of massage, as well as using various tactile fixtures. Even the movement of small pebbles will benefit.

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Gradually appeared on sale and special su-jok balls and elastic rings. You can choose special massages and mats to work with the feet.

To use the method for treatment, it is necessary not only to consult the doctor, but also carefully examine what kind of zones for which authority is responsible. There are no restrictions in the speech therapy. Any stimulation of palm and fingers in combination with other measures of the complex will benefit. Not in vain say that it is the hand that is a continuation of the brain.

What kind of benefits of occupation with the subjects of Su-Jock will bring the child?

How to diversify home speech therapy classes with a ball and rings Su-Jock 17762_3

Working with prickly balls and rings will help parents in the following issues:

  • development of interaction between hemispheres;
  • normalization of muscle tone;
  • impact on the brain speech zones;
  • development of phonetic hearing and perception;
  • pronunciation corrections;
  • development of mental processes;
  • study of counting operations;
  • Improving small motility.
How to diversify home speech therapy classes with a ball and rings Su-Jock 17762_4

These devices will help a good diversion daily classes with the baby. Then they will not be so monotonous. Moms know that the most difficult thing is to pass the firm, which is just necessary to constantly run somewhere. Here, in order to make such lessons to alleviate such lessons, often connecting something else.

How to use Su-Jock's items?

To engage in the therapy of Su-Jock at home is very simple - it is enough to buy a ball and at least one ring. They can be found in online stores and order. The balls in size are small, solid, spikes are not sharp - they should not scratch the skin and hurt the child.

Rings made of fingers massage during the game and reading poems. The ball needs to roll over the palm and up - to the elbow collar.

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Poems for classes with Su-Jock

To connect these items very well to the usual reading of poems and finger gymnastics.

For example, enable only items.

You have two hands,

(pat in your hands)

There are ten fingers.

(Hear fingers)

Ten clever and skillful,

(start rolling for each ring SU-JOK)

Fast wonder boys.

There will be our fingers to work,

Not stick to the wonderful boys to be lazy!

(Stretch rings on the fingers of one palm).

How to diversify home speech therapy classes with a ball and rings Su-Jock 17762_6

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Or completely build gymnastics around the ball. Almost all poems will be perfectly suitable for it.

Put the pannakes in the palm

(put a su-jock ball in the middle of the palm)

Understanding a purr-cat

(roll one way)

Puppy treasure

(roll to the other way)

Then the boy is above

(roll up)

Give a pannake momugh

(roll down)

Give pancakes daddy.

(Make a circle on the palm).

How to diversify home speech therapy classes with a ball and rings Su-Jock 17762_7

In the same way - around the rings.

You put in the body

(put on the ring on the little finger)

The smallest fungus:


Headiness, Wave

(Wear on Unnamed, Roll)

And funny pig

(Repeat further with each finger)

White, Ryzhik, Raw,

Podberezovik, of course,

And Handsome Magnifier

Let it decorate the skate!

(Finish with one palm).

How to diversify home speech therapy classes with a ball and rings Su-Jock 17762_8

On the same principle another poem about fingers.

This finger - went to the forest,

I found this finger - mushroom,

This finger - took place,

This finger - will lay closely,

This finger - ate a lot,

Therefore, and smallest.

You can use completely any poems and sweatings that like a child. Even in the process of reading a book or listening to the audioskazka Mom can ride a ball in a small palm for a couple of minutes. To complete the massage, some parents stimulate the feet of the baby. But here you need to act in accordance with the wishes of the "client" - many children are afraid of tickle.

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Another rule of home sessions should be pleasure from them. Since on the one hand, study is a serious thing, but on the other - if daily forced to force the child to teach poems, he will do everything to avoid it. Therefore, it is necessary to look for balance in this matter.

The benefits of Su-Jock for Mom

To finally justify the presence of these items in the house, it can be studied than they will be useful for a child's mother whose speech is so diligently developing. The small massage of your own palms and fingers is very useful for women's health on maternity leave.

Su-jok therapy helps reduce general stress. Classes have a positive effect on emotional state. Methodical rolling rings helps calm down, focus on purpose. Even wake up easier with needle massage. The desired thing for tired mothers!

Then he will be easier and more interesting with children.

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