The Pentagon admitted that he studied the crash site of the UFO and the finds that "change our lives forever"

The Pentagon admitted that he studied the crash site of the UFO and the finds that
The Pentagon admitted that he studied the crash site of the UFO and the finds that "change our lives forever"

In all senses, the phenomenal document has published an American researcher UFO Anthony Bragalia (Anthony Bragalia) on its UFO EXPLORATIONS website. More than three years ago, based on the Law on Freedom Information (FOIA), he sent a request (PDF) to the intelligence department of the US Department of Defense (DIA). In it, Brigal demanded to provide a list of items that are stored in the warehouses of the Pentagon Contractor in Las Vegas, Nevada, within the advanced program of threat detection in the aerospace field (AATIP).

Foia's subtlety is that no US state institution may not refuse to an American citizen in response to a similar request. Yes, there are certain restrictions, and the military, naturally, they took advantage of: without further consent, it is impossible to disclose personal data of employees (in some cases - even names) and some of the information about third-party contractors, and is also forbidden to disclose information relating to the state secret or the one Which when disclosure may pose a threat to national security. However, for the last two points there is a period of limitations.

The Pentagon admitted that he studied the crash site of the UFO and the finds that
On the left - the Brogilian request, on the right - the accompanying letter to the official response provided. In total, Anthony received five files from which only the largest / © UFO Explorations is published

Anthony fought with DIA representatives for several years and was able to receive an answer with great difficulty. According to him, he helped only the threat to apply to the court. Before Brigali apologized, justified by an extremely large amount of requests within FOIA. And provided a report (PDF) by more than 140 pages, some of which were edited - probably in accordance with the limitations described above in the disclosure of information. Of a fairly detailed document, you can draw the following conclusions:

  • The US military has indeed studied the place of falling of certain unidentified air phenomena (UAP) - so more recently they are officially called unidentified flying objects in the USA;
  • At the disposal of American military and the truth there are certain materials collected in these places;
  • The study of such materials was engaged in the Pentagon specialists, as well as some contractors;
  • One of these contractors was Bigelow Aerospace, whose warehouses are located in Las Vegas;
  • According to the results of the study of materials, they demonstrate incredible properties that can be used (or are already used) in advanced technological developments;
  • Among other things, some detected materials can modify electromagnetic radiation (slow down the light, "compress" - to accommodate more energy, rather supposed from physical properties), completely absorb some types of radiation, control scattering and reflection coefficient (becoming invisible in a certain radiation range), demonstrate customizable frequencies of resonance.

Any additional details regarding these unusual materials, the brigal could not find out. As he promises while his article ends with the message "Time (additional) replies." In Bigelow Aerospace, comments did not give, moreover, all the former and current employees of the company refused to communicate with the Broglia. What is interesting, last year from this company dismissed almost all employees of the division in Las Vegas. Brigal suspects that all related to the AATIP program brought from local warehouses.

The Pentagon admitted that he studied the crash site of the UFO and the finds that
The first three meaningful pages of the reconnaissance department of the US Department of Defense / © UFO EXPLORATIONS

A big question: how to evaluate such a "breakdown of covers"? On the one hand, Anthony, albeit quite authoritative, but still a classic ufologist, professing many different conspiracy theories. On the other hand - since the Brugarla is a US citizen and in this country there is a law on freedom of information, he was given a certain strange report. And this document can be interpreted in different ways. Yes, it recognizes that there are some extraordinary objects in places, which are considered the place of falling the niered ships. But at the same time there is not a single indication that these materials are truly belonging to alien technologies. All references to specific chemical compounds in the DIA report - albeit quite advanced, but well-known technologies. In particular, the Nitinol intermetallic, created in 1932 and the property of the form memory effect. A description of the anomalous materials is given without specifics.

Source: Naked Science

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